Monday, August 25, 2008

Tuesday - 08262008 - Arnold


Pyramid to 15 of:

(1) Pull ups
(2) Overhead Press @ 85#

*You can use multiple sets per rung on the ladder.
*Kipping pull ups and push press or jerk are allowed only on rungs 10 and higher (two digit rungs), otherwise it's dead hang pull ups and strict shoulder press.

"For many men, the acquisition of wealth does not end their troubles, it only changes them."
- Seneca

If Marco Polo had not been captured by the Genoese and imprisoned for a year, the tales of his historic twenty-two-year adventure in the Far and Middle East (at the end of the thirteenth century) might never have been collected and written down.


Jake Buchanan said...

jake: 16:53 as rx'd.

tough bugger considering my arms were wiped out from those kettlebell high pulls.

did chest to bar pullups through round 8.

did strict military presses through round 10. thank goodness for the push presses in rounds 11-15, they were a life saver.

Jake Buchanan said...

put me down for 115 ring dips

Naylor said...

12:05 and my hands are just mangled! that was a great wod! the first few reps and you're thinking, "man, this might be too easy..." then reps 8 and 9 punch you in the tenders.

Tom said...

19:42 or thereabouts. Had a little munchkin with me today, but was still way behind everyone else - not sure why.

I did an extra set of 20 as punishment at the end.

Jake Buchanan said...

naylor gets the mvp on this one, he blew everybody away by a large margin. 12:05? he ate it up and spit it out.

Modern Forager