Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thursday - 09112008

Thursday (Light Day)

21 - 15 - 9 - 6
Ring Dips

"Simplicity and repose are the qualities that measure the true value of any work of art."
- Frank Lloyd Wright


Jake Buchanan said...

put me down for 110 presses. i did a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 with each arm using the 53# bell. this beat me up. i'll surely have fun with the hspu now that i'm mangled!

Berb said...

are you cleaning at all...or just doing a pure press?

Jake Buchanan said...

i'm just doing presses not clean and press.

Jake Buchanan said...

this wasn't a light day. do you realize that this wod is all arms? you should have named it army pitts. it was rough. my range of motion got to be really poor on the dips and hspu on the latter rounds, but i couldn't help it.

finished in 10:28.

Tania recorded it in full, i'm hopeful to get it posted here soon. most of all i wanted to see what my pullups looked like.

Tom said...

It's not my fault you don't know what "moderation" means. The reason we have an entire month to complete the challenge is so that it won't tank you. You tanked yourself Oatmeal Chocolate.

Jake Buchanan said...

What are you talking about? The only part i understood was the Oatmeal Chocolate jab.

I was only wondering if you realized that this wod was all arms. There was zero recovery time for the arms and hence tired arms.

I am totally stoked about the pullups though. I watched myself doing pullups, that was fun and weird. I have been working on my version of the butterfly kip. I was astonished that it has come along nicely. I was consistent, my form didn't go to pot like it felt it did. Before watching the video i thought my butterfly kip would look like a jellyfish on drugs, but it looked nice.

Tom said...

Your arms felt like jelly from the 110 presses when combined with this WOD. If you had the moderation bone in your body and limited your presses to a normal amount (remember, it's about greasing the groove, not obliterating yourself with 110 in one day) you wouldn't have felt like it was all arms.

That's why you can be called Oatmeal Chocolate...the loosening of the bowels is akin to your jelly arms.

Berb said...

add 56 kb presses for today.

Jake Buchanan said...

good job berb......

what i need is the oatmeal chocolate chip cookie groove then. that would be a smooth one.

Modern Forager