Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wed 09.16.08 WOD

Cindy and her two sisters

AMRAP in 25 minutes

5 Pullups w/ 53lbs KB
10 Bench presses w/ 205lbs
15 Back Squats w/ 205lbs

post number of rounds


Tom said...

I did 3 whopping rounds in the first 20 minutes...then I had to stop when my kids came out clamoring for me to get them some breakfast.

My first round took 10 minutes (had to change some weight on the bars). 2nd round took 6 minutes. 3rd round took 4 minutes.

1st set had 205lb bench / 185lb squats. Changed after the 1st round to do 195lb / 195lb. I bought some new weights, so I could have done 205 / 205, but I'm trying to turn those for a profit so I can buy some new bumper plates...

It's been a busy week...

I get home around 6pm, by the time I get the kids to bed it's 8:30pm, then it's my time to hold the new baby so momma can rest. He's wide awake and fussy until about 11:30pm when I finally get him to bed. Then, I drop him off with momma and fall asleep on the floor most nights, only to wake up at 2am freezing wondering what happened...

The next morning, rinse and repeat.

Naylor said...

yikes! that has to kick your butt. at least you did something, most people have A LOT less going on still don't do anything...props to you tom!

Jake Buchanan said...

yes tommy good job.

i had chris and josh do a regular cindy, chris hit 19 rounds and josh did 21. i need to work with them on the squats, they're doing something similar to a push press squat, only partial at best. toward the end both of them were doing jumping pullups. I'm proud of them for both keeping with it and moving quick.

sam and i did the 'cindy's ugly step sister'. we had to scale to 185, because i'm weak. we only did 20 minutes. sam completed 4 full rounds. i only completed 2 full rounds with an additional partial 3rd round doing 5 pullups and 10 bench. i really slowed sam up because we were sharing the bar for both the squats and bench. i think he could have hit 6 rounds in 20 minutes. he was always waiting for me.

Naylor said...

nice work! yeah i made it 25 minutes to make up for the transition time it might take to strap on the weight or adjust from bench to squat.

i'm not sure i can do squats yet or bench for that matter. i'm going to try tonight.

did you guys like this one?

Berb said...

i did the cindy instead...i gots that lethargic feeling. i did it as rx'd with full pullups, which is still challenging for me, had a few interuptions from Eli, who decided it was fun to hang from some rings, but not fun to let go while swinging. completed 10 rounds.

also add 50 kb presses.

Jake Buchanan said...

yes naylor, i liked it, it hit my weaknesses. it was a bit heavy for me, but i like the challenge.

Modern Forager