Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tueday WOD

Twisted Helen

3 rounds of:

run 400 meters (200 forward/200 backwards)
135lbs bench press x 21
ring dips x 12

crank up the volume on this bad boy!


Berb said...

add 90 kb presses from last week, + 10 from yesterday

Berb said...

i did saturdays wod for today. time of 17:11 w/ jumping pullups instead. i also didn't run as part of the wod, but ran some trails, 3.5 miles, i hour earlier.

Jake Buchanan said...

berb, i'm glad you're starting to post again!!!!!!

way to go with saturday's wod, that's a great time you finished in and a very fun wod as well. we need to do another wod together, the last time we did one was that 10 round deadlift wod.

it appears that tommy is awol, he won't respond to any of my emails. i don't know what he's doing. remember what he said to you when you stopped posting? he was all over you. now you need to get all over him.

keep it up berb, it's great to hear from you.

Tom said...

AWOL? I just emailed you yesterday you moonbat. I go two days w/o posting and I'm AWOL? Are you forgetting what it's like to have a newborn AND have two other sick kids at home?? I know I'm not as talented as you, but a day hardly = AWOL. Berb goes weeks at a time w/o posting, takes a 3 week "sabbatical"; Homer has dropped off the face of the planet; blah blah blah...

Anyway...I did Twisted Helen tonight at 11:50pm EST (the only time this poor father has available). Weather = 35 degrees F. Brisk, clear night.

400m run (200m front / 200m backwards)
21 x 135lb Bench Press
12 x Ring Dips
7 x 135lb Shoulder Press / Push Press

Time: 22:08

I was slow. Someone dropped off a delicious batch of Oatmeal CCC and I ate 4 or 5 for dinner, then another 2 or so just before my WOD. Cookies are difficult to resist.

The Shoulder / Push Presses ended up being about evenly split. The 1st half were SP, the 2nd half were PP. Ring dips were the toughest...some lingering fatigue from the benches.

Naylor said...

nice job! mixing in the push press takes this wod to another level.

i did this one as rx'd, but didn't time myself. i ran it with one of my buddies. i would guess it took about 12 minutes. running backwards is a lot harder than it sounds!

Jake Buchanan said...

you never emailed me back all day groovy. that's ignoring me. you were not finishing your wods, what was i supposed to think? when the kids are sick sometimes the wod is the only outlet i have, anybody can squeeze out 20 minutes when they are sleeping or watching a movie.

what the heck is up with that talented comment? we all know that you're arnold schwartzenegger and i'm danny devito. who the heck are you kidding? that false humility you portray with comments like that is so transparent.

anyway i'm glad you did the presses with the helen, it was my favorite part in the saturday wod. it was a huge confidence booster to be able to do that amount consecutively.

Tom said...


I didn't respond to your emails because I wasn't in the office to respond and by "talented" I was referring to your (and others) ability to always find time for things. I can't do that. My ONLY free time during any given day lately is after 11:30pm. That's it. Yes, the WOD is an outlet, but an outlet is only good if there's energy to put in it and by 11:30pm it's sometimes tough to find that energy.

Take a deep breath and relax there Mr. AWOL. You better pray that you hit every WOD or I'll be calling for your AWOL head to be skewered next to the stay puffed marshmellows you love.

Jake Buchanan said...

maybe you should try to complete your work faster, or quit one of your jobs.

for the amount of time it takes you to eat that plate of cookies and milk you could have completed the wod. no excuses man, it doesn't take talent. we're not asking for 2 hours a day, we're not even asking for 30 minutes. you can go to the garage and knock out a wod in the amount of time it takes to get your kids a sippy cup of juice. Actually you will work faster post wod. You will have a clearer head, more energy.....

Hasan chops to you! No excuses!

Modern Forager