Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Ray" or "Homer and Bizarro Homer"

Wednesday's WOD:

5x 275# Deadlift
10x HSPU
Rest 5 minutes between sets.

or "Homer and Bizarro Homer"
10 rounds:
12 Burpees
12 Pullups
Post time to comments.

This is an either/or day, you pick your wod. I know many of you want some fast paced metcon, where I want something strength building. Ray is not for time, it's just for completion.


Jake Buchanan said...

Chris did 'homer and bizarro homer' as a modified version. He did 8 rounds of 8 burpees and 8 pullups in 9:40.

Jake did 'AL'
round 1: 2,1,1,1
round 2: 1,1,1,1,1
round 3: 3,2
round 4: 5
round 5: 3,2
It was heavy today. I could have strung more consecutive reps together but my left hand grip wouldn't hold.

round 1: 10
round 2: 6,4
round 3: 6,4
round 4: 10
round 5: 10

Jake Buchanan said...

I forgot to mention why the wod is named 'Homer and Bizarro Homer'. I'm sure you can allready guess, but it's because Homer loves burpees and despises pullups.

Modern Forager