Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pick'em- Friday's WOD

It's your choice today. Oh, and I should mention that this pick'em does not involve raw eggs.

Option #1) 30 Muscleups for time.

Option #2)Complete 5 cycles for time of:
3 x 135/85 lb. Clean and Jerk, and
2 rounds of Cindy:
(5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats)

Post WOD and time to comments.


Jake Buchanan said...

Luther: 20:30
Josh: 20:30
Luther used 135# on the clean and jerk, Josh used 115#.

Jake: 8:59 - 30 muscle ups for time.

I had hopes of getting under 8 minutes but I had two fails on the last rep and it took me 1:30 to complete the last stinking one.

Luther is a new guy. He could be a monster. He was flinging around the 135# clean and jerk like it was a feather. He's a bigger guy (270#) and bodyweight movements are tough, he can't to a pullup yet but he'll get there. He moves the barbell around like crazy and his form is perfect. I haven't seen him cheat a movement yet. When we did situps wednesday he made sure to go all the way to the ground and all the way back up, no cheating for this guy. After the pullup ladder on wednesday when he did jumping pullups with a slow negative he said his whole rib cage was completely sore and tight. He said he didn't realize that he even had muscles in that area.

With Luther added to Sam, Josh, Chris and myself that gives the Janesville crew 5 people. My garage is packed. I need more barbells.

Jake Buchanan said...

Put me down for 42 bench presses @ 190#.

Tom said...

Did a modified something or other...

(1) Did 1 BW Bench + 2 CJ @ 135 + 2 BW Bench + 4 CJ @ 135 + ... + 5 BW Bench + 10 CJ @ 135 in 12:xx.

Total reps: 30 CJ @ 135lbs + 15 BW Bench presses.

Modern Forager