Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Little Mookie"

Monday's WOD:
4x115# Thrusters
6x115# Power Cleans
15 Second L-Sit Hold

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Notes. The L-sit holds can be broken down into smaller sets. If it takes 3x5 second attempts, that works. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself up for 15 seconds total.


Jake Buchanan said...

Jake: 10 rounds + 4 thrusters and 6 cleans as rx'd.

Chris: 8 rounds using 95#

Berb said...

you are the man jibs!

I could barely squeek out 7 rounds. I went to the Gym and had a hard time finding a location to do the L-Sits, ended up using a pull up bar and hanging and holding the L-Sit in that manner.

For some odd reason, when I started the thrusters, when I would lock out on top, I felt a lot of pain/soreness in the tricep area, i guess that i was still sore from saturdays wod. (I did Friday's WOD on Saturday morning).

I also ran a tabata at 6.5 this morning.

Jake Buchanan said...

You are the man. Well done.

Put me down for 40 more bench presses. That should put me at 176 for a total.

Tania did a deadlift max today. She pulled 135 and 155 with authority and then managed to pull 165 with a bit of a struggle. I was proud of her. Don't be surprised to hear me brag that she pulled 225 someday. She's got it in her, her form is flawless too, much better than mine.

Tom said...

12 rounds.

Tom said...

12 rounds.

Modern Forager