Friday, April 3, 2009

Competition Day

2 Wods in today's competition.

Wod #1:
4 rounds
10x225# Deadlift
15xPullup-Not Chest to Bar

Exactly 2 hour break

Wod #2:
5 rounds
7x135# Push Press
400M run

Post time for each wod and overall time.


Tom said...

WOD 1: 7:31
WOD 2: 8:22
Total: 15:53

Feelings: Not a great effort. WOD 1 was especially disappointing. Pull-ups were done from a hanging bar, which made kipping essentially impossible...spent too much time between the rings (thinking they'd be better) and the hanging bar. Adding 10 pushups to each round was a dumb invention - no benefit came from them - seriously, the difference between 0 pushups and 25 pushups is negligable, at best. It's one of those exercises that is only valuable after you break 100+, otherwise I'd rather do 10 benches @ 135# and at least get some work in.

Jake Buchanan said...

You did very well Mr. I can hold up the world.

How was your wod #2 time 8:22? That's incredible, way to go.

My goal going into it was to keep it under 10 minutes. Each 400 M run should take 1:40 and then :20 sec for the push press, that would have been an even 10 minute wod for the 5 rounds. That's what I was planning on doing until I realized that I stunk.

It took me 11:17 for the wod #2. Yes, I stunk up the joint.

Wod 1: 8:12

I found the pushups effective in the fact that they really threw my pullups off. Or maybe my pullups are way off anyway.

I am humbled and angry all at the same time. This was a horrible effort.

Modern Forager