Wednesday, January 7, 2009

WOD 1/7/09

Do Big Al, I don't believe anybody completed it. Go back to tuesday's wod and finish it!!!!!


Jake Buchanan said...

AM crew did Big Al, we did the rounds on every 3rd minute for time constraints.

Front squats: 75, 85, 95, 135, 135
Weighted Pullups: 53,53,30,30,30

Front Squats: 135, 145, 155, 135, 135
Weighted Pullups: 30 on all rounds.

I tried 165 on the 4th round of the front squats, but I couldn't clean it, so I just dropped back to 135. The weighted pullups I went with an over hand grip, usually I go underhanded style and I can do more weight in that method, but I needed to work on some strength overhanded style.

Tom said...

My WOD: shoveling for 1+ hours.

Note to NOT do a heavy DL day right before an ugly snow storm. Shoveling and DL WODs do not go together.

Berb said...

i did the monday wod # 2 on Wednesday. 5 x 5 dl.

round 1: 185 (5)
round 2: 215 (5)
round 3: 255 (5)
round 4: 285 (3,2)
round 5: 300 (2,3)

i think that it is time to invest in more weights.

before and between sets i also did 10 sit ups, kb swings (5 per arm), kb c&p (2 ladders).

Modern Forager