Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Big Al #2

"Big AL"

5 rounds:
5x Front Squat
5x 53# weighted pullups
Post time for each round.

1)Round timing notes: Begin Each round on the 6 minute mark at follows:
1st round begins at 0:00,
2nd round begins at 6:00,
3rd round begins at 12:00,
4th round begins at 18:00,
5th round begins at 24:00

2)Scoring notes: Record times per round and add up the total working time for the final score. Also post load totals.

3)Add weight to the front squats on each round.

For Tommy the Hammer:
5 rounds of squat holds as follows: Hold yourself in a squat position for 1 full minute. Squat must be at least 90ยบ or lower. The minute may be broken down if you can't hold it for the full minute.


Tom said...

I made up the DL WOD today.

WU: 10x135DL, a few pulls, a few GHDs and a few sits
1) 5x250lb (5)
2) 5x270lb (5)
3) 5x300lb (5)
4) 5x320lb (2,2,1)
5) 5x330lb (4,1)

It got mental in the 4th and 5th rounds. It was hard to hold my grip with my weak thumb and my feet were freezing. I did take Jakes rec into account and put some athletic tape on the bar where I grip and that helped immensely. Thanks Jibbers.

Tom said...

PS - I then chased the WOD with 2 glasses of 1/2 kefir, 1/2 raw milk mixture with a little bit of homemade grape jelly stirred in. That was tasty.

Jake Buchanan said...

Dang man, you haven't lost anything with your bum thumb. Very solid job on the deadlifts, holy cow, I'm impressed. Doing 4 consecutive reps at 330 on your last round, well done!

Also I've tried grape kefir and I about barfed. No wonder you don't like kefir much.

Tom said...

I wasn't being sarcastic. It was actually pleasant tasting.

Berb said...

i did the "big al" yesterday, i am just slow to post, my home computer is not set up yet either is my pull up bar, so my wod was somewhat skewed, so i tried to improvise by doing some form of jumping pullups x 10 using the i-beam in the basement. I moved my home gym into the basement due to the cold weather. The ceiling are at 8' so that i can have enough room for lifts.

round 1: 55 sec at 65 #
round 2: 56 sec at 85 #
round 3: 54 sec at 115 #
round 4: 1:04 at 135 #
round 5: 1:03 at 145#

total score 292.

my wrists were aching after the last 2 rounds. this was at noon.

at 6:00 PM i did the wod from the crossfit endurance website. i did a run wod: 100m + 200m + 400m x 4. there was rest between sets of the exact time of the sprint. this was on a treadmill, so the 100m was in 30 sec, 200 m was 1 minute, and 400 m was 2 minutes.

my legs are so stripped today.

Modern Forager