Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday June 15, 2009

Crossfit Main WOD

Hang Power Snatch
1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 to max reps


Berb said...


My back had a good sore feeling yesterday and even today from the Tuesday WOD. The kind of sore that you only feel when you start to pick up some more weight.

Berb said...

i have been riding my bike to work all week. it's about 5 miles each way. the mornings are hard...waking up at 5 am...hitting the road by 5:30. i am slow and lethargic in the mornings. the afternoon is really fun...forgetting the stresses of work and just flying home. my fastest time is 25 minutes from door to door.

Jake Buchanan said...

Berb, you're a tank on a bike.

25 minutes for 5 miles is crazy fast. Don't tell me that you only have slow gear.

Jake Buchanan said...

Snatches are my favorite, but i screwed up my arm from my last 30 power snatches for time and it hasn't healed yet.

I ended up doing:

10x115# shoulder press
1 mile farmers walk with 53#kb & 30# kb.
10x115# shoulder press

Time: 30:07. The stinking farmer walk took me 25+ minutes. I can barely grip a pencil right now.

I really can't wait until my knee and shoulder heal. I've had to do some funky stuff to fill in the gaps.

Modern Forager