Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Stop scratching your head Thomas and do it. I know you have like 3 square feet in your basement and that's all it takes.

10 rounds:
10x135# deadlift

For time....


Jake Buchanan said...


Last time I did it at this weight I finished at 5:59. Hopefully I won't be as sore this time, last time I was sore for a week.

I averaged about 32.5 seconds per round, I was hoping for 30 second rounds, but I couldn't keep up with that.

Warmed up with:
-4x2 of 315# deadlift
-21-15-9 of 30#kb strict press(each arm)
-4 singles of 70# strict press

Berb said...

i have come to the conclusion that i have 3 speeds...and they don't improve. i am like an old international 1 ton truck...think Mader from Cars. I have 3 speeds: 1st gear - super slow(crawling), 2nd gear - not much faster, 3rd gear - slow - but definatly not top gear.

14:40 for time. pathetic!

Jake Buchanan said...

I hope your 14:40 left you lying as flat as it left me.

Man, I'm cooked. Low back, hammies, legs. I tried a pullup today and my arms felt like lead.

Modern Forager