Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday - 11152008

Deck of Cards,
Round 2:

Hearts = Sit-ups
Spades = Knee-to-Elbow
Diamonds = 4 count flutter kicks
Clubs = L-sit pull-ups
Jokers = sprint 400 meters

Have fun! Move as fast as possible through the decks. Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13. Ace = 15. Post your time for each deck.


Jake Buchanan said...

I made a homemade kettlebell, I'm setting the weight at 85#. I'll let you know how it works. It cost less than $10.00, it only works for swings though, can't press or snatch. At least it will give me some room to grow without spending $175.00.

I'm excited to use it. I'll probably sub one of the movements tomorrow so I can get a feel for it.

Naylor said...

dude, i pay like 98 cents a pound for my kb's. i think that's the site.

you might have to pay more because your shipping and not paying cash.

Jake Buchanan said...

I contacted them. They only go up to 70#. I got ahold of some chinese lady who didn't want to sell them to me anyway. She kept talking me out of ordering one. I want an 88# or 106#, they're hard to find w/o incuring major cost.

Naylor said...

LOL yep thats the place! man, a 100 lbs KB would be sweet.

Jake Buchanan said...

Did Fran 4:43

berb did 5:20 with jumping pullups

one missionary did 9:40 jumping pullups/65#
another one did 15:73 pushups

I about passed out.

Jake Buchanan said...

It's monday and my glutes and thighs are still sore from fran.........

Modern Forager