Thursday, July 31, 2008

Friday's wod----'Rosalie'

5 rounds
300 meter sprint-on a hill if possible
5 thrusters @ 135lbs-tommy, naylor increase weight do as much as you can.


Naylor said...

that's my grandma's name! lolz

Tom said...

what weight you using jake?

Berb, Homer, where are you guys?

Jake Buchanan said...

i'm going for 135, that's very close to my max but i can struggle through it. find your max and get close. i was picturing this to be a 5 rep max type of wod.

naylor, you'll have to do this one in honor of your granny!!! this will be a great wod and it's properly named!

i miss homer and berb too. homes.... give us an update as to your condition, how you feel, your highs and your discouragement, keep us posted.

Jake Buchanan said...

11:49 as rx'd w/135lb thrusters.

Naylor said...

i'm going out on a date tonight, not sure if i'll get a wod in tonight. i've got a killer dirt hill by my house. i don't think i could combine that hill with thrusters, might just kill me! lol

Berb said...

19:07 at 125 lb thrusters. i did the 1st round at 135 but couldn't maintain the weight for too long.

Modern Forager