Tuesday, June 3, 2008

WOD #3 - 060408 - BL #3

Here's #3 fellas:

Modified Helen

3 Rounds for Time
(1) 400m run
(2) 53lb KB x 21 swings
(3) 12 x 95lb Military Press
(4) 12 x Knee to Elbows

Good luck, brutes. I wanted to get this in before 9pm in case you were silently murmuring about the late posts...this way you can/might be able to work it into your day earlier tomorrow.

Don't worry, Thursday is a day off, so you'll have plenty of time to recover between this one and our Friday/Saturday gauntlet.

I know I'm already sore...verging on seriously sore, but we'll see how tomorrow goes after a good night's rest.


Tom said...

Time: 19:09

1st rep: 5:33
2nd rep: 6:46
3rd rep: 6:17
xtra KB: 0:33

I had to do +13 extra KB swings (44lbs) to get to 3,339 lbs (that's the weight you move w/ a 53lb KB x 63 reps). I did 76 reps w/ a 44lb KB (total weight: 3,344 lbs)

Good luck, Brutes. My legs are going to appreciate the next 48 hours of no workouts (until Friday morning).

Jake Buchanan said...

16:22 as rx'd.

hey chuck, no mod's this time.

you need to take off the cowboy hat when doing the wod's and maybe the belt buckle too, they're weighing you down.

Tom said...

That's not whats weighing me down. Not all of us can be as svelt and petite as you.

I did do the entire workout in my FiveFingers, though.

Besides, this is more a competition against yourself and to see how much we can improve in one month. I set the bar low with this one.

Naylor said...

skipped wod#2 and did this bad boy last night.

as rx'd 12:43...great WOD!!!

Modern Forager