Monday, June 2, 2008

WOD #2 - 060308 - BL #2

Here's WOD #2:

(1) "Hero" Randy Simmons: 75# power snatch, 75 reps (for time)
(2) Tabata Something Else: pull/push/sit/squat (no rest btw exercises) - tally up the total pulls, pushes, sits, and squats and submit that # here with your time on #1.

I'm going to do the Simmons 1st, then take a break and follow it up with the TSE. I'll probably take 15-20 minutes btw the two, but I'm not sure. It'll be my first go at these two together.


Berb said...

honestly...who has time to sit there and watch this crap. I gave up after 4:23. I felt it was my duty to watch this, but after 4:23, I say that my duty is to go to bed. What was the purpose of this one Tom?

Tom said...

I've never watched said it was a tribute to Randy Simmons and, since we're doing the Randy Simmons today, I put it up. That was the best 4:23 of your life.

Tom said...

Simmons: 9:52
TSE: 404 (down about 10% from my pre-ultra score).

My legs feel like Jelly. The Simmons' WOD wasn't bad, but my arms were upper arms/shoulders were feeling it by the end. I laid down and the next thing I knew 10 minutes had passed. In total, I took about 30 minutes off between the 2.

Homer said...

can you please elaborate on the tabata something else....

Tom said...

TSE: Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Do 8 sets of pull-ups (20sec on/10sec rest), then to 8 sets of push-ups, 8 of sit-ups and 8 of squats.

I keep a notebook next to me for this workout so I can write down the reps during the 10 second rest.

Here are some videos:

Jake Buchanan said...

539 total
73 pullups, 159 pushups, 154 squats, 159 situps.

10:20 on the richard simmons wod

Tom said...

TSE: You can decide whether to take a minute break in between exercises. The video (and accompanying description) says no rest, but our version was originally supposed to include the 1 minute break in between exercises. FYI.

Berb said...

239 points total.

11:46 on the randy simmons.

My upper arms are really sore as well as my lats.

Jake & Tom, you guys are animals.

Modern Forager