Friday, June 13, 2008

Saturdays Real WOD's 6-14-08 " The Dream Weaver"

wod #1: 100-70lb kettlebell swings for time
wod #2: 21-15-9: 185lb deadlift, double unders, 45lb over head squats, fingertip pushups
wod #3: 'tabata hold this' pullup holds(weighted or non-weighted), squat holds @70lbs, bench press holds @165lbs, situp holds

When training for the 50 mile run we would frequently do a 3x5k run or a 4x5k run back to back to back. This wod is in memory of that theory. We are going to do 3 wods back to back, Brian recommended 5-15 minute breaks in between. But rest as desired, no hurry and no penalty.

Some explanation is needed for the 'tabata hold this':
Pullups: hold yourself up with chin over the bar for 20 secs, rest 10....etc for 8 rounds.
Squats: hold yourself in the squat position with 70lbs for the 20 seconds, rest 10, etc....
Bench press holds: hold weight where bar is just above the chest and not resting on chest.
Situps: sit with back off ground and grunt hard.


Naylor said...

you've got to be kidding me! 100 KB swings at 70lbs is torture enough. LOL

Jake Buchanan said...

naylor! did we finally pick a wod that's too much for you??????

Jake Buchanan said...

#1 swings: 6:58
#2 -----11:38

all as rx'd

Tom said...

#1 swings: 9:49
#2 ------: 10:52

Naylor said...

wasn't there a 3rd wod too?

Jake Buchanan said...

3rd wod was just a non scoring one, just tabata holds, no way to score.

Modern Forager