Sunday, June 15, 2008

Monday - 06162008 - WOD

Here's todays WOD (this is from Berb, who is vacationing in beautiful 110 degree Phoenix):

Cindy on Steroids:
15 pull
30 push
45 squat

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.



Jake Buchanan said...

7 rounds as rx'd

Naylor said...

great work man!

Jake Buchanan said...

bring on the pullups baby....

i'm looking for your time, what's up?

Naylor said...

i don't work out until late around 10...we are moving this weekend, so my wod's might be lacking. actually, i'll be moving as much furniture by myself every night, i'll be burning calories for sure. i love picking up a sofa by myself and caring it outside. LOL

Tom said...

I modified it a little...

the first 2 rounds I subbed 115lb presses for the pull-ups, the next 2 rounds I did as rx'd, then the 5th round I did 15 115lb presses.

So 4 full rounds, + 15 115lb presses.

Homer said...

6.1/3 rounds

Jake Buchanan said...

homer!!! way to go!!!

Naylor said...

homer you did better than most of those marines! how's your pullups coming along?

last night i moved my entire home gym and overhead storage. the first thing i move is my crossfit gym, priorities!

Jake Buchanan said...

way to go naylor, you're absolutely right, first things first. get that gym set up man!!!!

Berb said...

2 1/3 rounds as Rx'd. Tommy gave me some inspiration. I wouldn't proceed until i had all pullups done 100%. It took a while and was laborous but stuck with it.

Tom said...

How did I give you any inspiration, Berb?

Modern Forager