Friday, December 12, 2008

WOD 12/12/08

3 rounds:
50 x Squat
30 x pullups
10 x 135# hang power clean

Post time to comments


Jake Buchanan said...

The AM Crew.

Luther: 12:28 (jumping pullups)
Chris: 13:34(95# clean)
Jake: 15:28 as RxD
Josh: 16:15(95# clean)
Sam: 20:28 as RxD

This was definitely a man's workout today. It was one of those classic wods where each movement makes the following movement just horrific. The cleans were rugged following the pullups as were the pullups horrible post squat and clean.

I don't have any raw eggs either..

Naylor said...

sorry guys, been offline for a while. i'm going to do this wod tonight and post results.

how's everyone been?

Naylor said...

13:35 as rx', this one was pretty brutal. really hard on the grip. i lost my left grip in the middle of one of the cleans! i caught the bar as it was going down. that took a little energy out of me! haha

Jake Buchanan said...

Way to go BA, I see you're back on top and haven't lost a step.

Modern Forager