Monday, December 8, 2008

I Love My Knees - Monday's WOD

100 squats
2 muscleups or 6 pullups
80 squats
4 muscleups or 12 pullups
60 squats
6 muscleups or 18 pullups
40 squats
8 muscleups or 24 pullups
20 squats
10 muscleups or 30 pullups
Post time to comments.

Tom's version:
10xohs @95#
30 pullups
8xohs @115#
24 pullups
6xohs @135
18 pullups
4xohs @155
12 pullups
2xohs @ 185
6 pullups


Jake Buchanan said...

Luther: 13:00 - jumping pullups
Sam: 13:09 - pullups
Jake: 14:09 - muscleups
Josh: 14:10 - pullups

That's a pile of squats. I'm also not used to doing muscleups in conjunction with other movements, it makes them twice as hard. It took me 4 attempts to finish the last 2 muscleups, rugged beasts they are.

Tom said...

Killing me.

I might have been able to do this if it weren't for the 300 squats.

Come to think of it, Jake, remember before the Ice Age 50 when you challenged me to do as many air squats in XX minutes as possible? I don't remember how many I got, although it was 400+, but my left knee hasn't been the same since then...I wish the same luck upon you.

Jake Buchanan said...

Here you go:
10xohs @95#
30 pullups
8xohs @115#
24 pullups
6xohs @135
18 pullups
4xohs @155
12 pullups
2xohs @ 185
6 pullups

There you go, less reps and a better wod. My crew can't ohs.

Modern Forager