Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wednesday - 07092008

Here is BL #3


400m run
21 x 53lb KB swing
12 x pull-ups

3 rounds for time.


Jake Buchanan said...

jake 9:57
josh 11:30
sam 12:18

the 400m runs are taking me 2:00-2:20 and i was hustling. it's been frustrating for me. after the wod i took my gps watch outside and re-measured it and found out i'm running just under 1/3rd of a mile for the runs which is about 500 meters. with the shorter run i think i could have been around 8:30 or so. i think i'm going to rent one of those measuring wheels to get exact.

Tom said...

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

I just found our new blog name (if Jake et al still insists on changing it).

It comes to us straight from despair.com

New Name: Wickedosity
Our quote could be: "Don't bother looking it up. [We] are the definition"

Berb said...


try mapmyrun.com for distances. that is what i use. this website uses satellites to track your distance. i usually select the hybrid version under settings, (which gives street names, pictures of houses, driveways, etc.) then i plot my points and run. it also allows you to save your runs.

Tom said...

Or, why not wear that expensive watch you bought months ago. That's what you have it for knuckleheeeeeed.

Tom said...

10:24 as rx'd...

...sweaty version. For some reason this was harder than my Nancy, even though it was "easier." That's as clear as mud.

Naylor said...

last night i did

for time:

1 round of:
up root 18 palm trees
load up in the back of a truck
replant trees

3:30 minutes

i'm sure that's a PR, but my back is paying the price. i might need thursday as a rest day, we'll see. : )

good times on Helen guys! Jake you're pushing OPT times!

Jake Buchanan said...

i could take him down now.

helen is easy, just keep me away from the bear. the bear is ruthless

Modern Forager