Friday, July 25, 2008

Saturday - 07262008 - Last Challenge WOD


3 rounds for time:

10 x BW Bench Press
15 x 135lb clean
20 x Dips
40 x 24" box jumps
60 x 53lb KB swings
80 x Air Squats
100 x Sit-ups

I probably should have planned the week better. I was going back over our WODs and this one was supposed to be the beast we encountered the 1st week of the BL challenge back in early June. Somehow we did something different. I'm not sure if I'll even be able to finish it, but one of the virtues of CrossFit is supposed to be the ability to handle whatever comes at you at a moments notice. Even though we just did KB swings, even though we just did BW benches or even though we just did a gazillion air squats. Now is your chance to put the body's adaptability to the test and run through this ringer.

Even so, I'm scared just thinking about this beast.


Tom said...

I'm sitting here, staring at the WOD and thinking two things: (1) this looks awful and (2) I'm laughing thinking how miserable it's going to be in the morning.

Honestly, 120 box jumps, among other things? Where do people create these WODs?

Hooray for brutality.

Jake Buchanan said...

honestly, why do people pick these wods?

Tom said...

I pick them to punish you. You wanted a challenge, and now I'm putting little Elmo into Count's dungeon.

Tom said...

48:11 as rx'd.

Round 1: 15:49
Round 2: 15:58
Round 3: 16:23

Pukie was at the doorstep today. Literally and figuratively, but I rebuffed him.

Jake Buchanan said...

well done groover!

i'm heading out now, and hopefully i won't meet pukie.

Naylor said...

are the dips ring dips?

this looks pretty fun!

Jake Buchanan said...

48:47, as rx'd w/ring dips, the cleans cleaned my clock. i was cooking right along and about 70% done in about 26 minutes and then i just bonked. my hr was racing worse than i've experienced in a long, long time. i laid down at the 26 min point and i think i fainted for a few minutes. i looked at the clock and it was 30 minutes and change, i don't know where those 4 minutes went to.

i was so sure i was going to set the record on this one.

Tom said...

I did ring dips as well.

Well done Jake. I didn't bonk like you, but my heart rate was through the roof for most of it. I laid down after and couldn't gain the strenfff to stand for at least 5 minutes, then the pukie feeling left me reeling for the next 15-20 minutes.

Naylor said...

i won't be able to get to this until later tonight. well done gents!

Jake Buchanan said...

i really thought i could be in the mid 30 minute range. but once again i was humbled.

i'm looking forward for naylor to get in the 30's. come on el capitan!!!!!

Naylor said...

i rested all weekend. back is still hurting and so is the ankle. i think i need to see the dr about the back and go back to PT for the ankle...very frustrating!

Jake Buchanan said...

brutha man......get that ankle in working order!

how did you hurt it anyway?

Naylor said...

playing football with the ward. just jumped up to catch a pass and came down on my left ankle and then proceeded to have a nasty Eversion sprain, which then rolled into an Inversion sprain.

Jake Buchanan said...

did you break it? that really stinks for you.

i sprained mine last may playing bball at the church and it still hasn't fully recovered. i have about half of the range of motion as my other ankle. it's a good thing we've thrown ourselves into crossfit because there's no way i could do much more running than we do in just the regular wod's. And i can barely hop on that foot, like if i was doing single legged jump ropes i couldn't get very many.

I literally have nightmares about spraining my ankle, i will visualize carrying a sandbag across my backyard and the first thing that comes to my mind is me rolling my ankle and the bag falling right on me. Ah well, at least my back and knees are strong.

I'm so glad we have crossfit! It's way better for the body than running!

Naylor said...

true true. i didn't break it for some reason. usually you do. tearing one of those inside ligaments is like tearing a tire! it's been a loooong recovery. i've been in constant pain since the last week of january.

the best part is that the friggin family dr just shrugged it off and said i would be fine in two weeks. i told the guy he was smoking crack and get me an mri ASAP. you don't want to vomit from the pain on a normal sprain. i thought i was going to punch the guy!

Modern Forager