Saturday, July 5, 2008

070508 WOD

10 rounds for time:

135lbs deadlift x 15 reps
20 pushups


Tom said...

14:42 as Rx'd.

I did the first 5 rounds in 4:41, then got slowed by a very tight lower back...last 5 rounds in 10:01. Aye-yi-yi.

Jake Buchanan said...

jake 11:31
berb 15:40

great wod today! i'm so glad we're not doing squats today!!!!

how did you average less than one minute rounds for the first 5? my rounds were always over a minute.

Tom said...

Because I'm Chuck. That's how. If my back ever gets better from my playground lifting snafu, then I'll do this WOD in 9:00 in no time.

Jake Buchanan said...

you could be in the naylor category if you wanted to.

i could only shave off a bit of time, you must have been flying through the deadlifts.

this was a great wod. i hope it comes up again.

Jake Buchanan said...

naylor, i loved this week's wods, well i hated most of them actually but they were good for me.
good job man!

i was sore from the bear all week and never really caught up and then the deadlift pushup combo i loved but i was sore from that all weekend and my hammys are still sore. you hit all my weak points.

Naylor said...

thanks! you guys killed this WOD. brandon does a version of this on the main site with only 15 pushups and you guys would have beat him!

Jake Buchanan said...

i saw that one brandon did recently and i actually had it on my short list for my week.

it's been 3 days since and my hammys are still sore....

Modern Forager