Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wed 09.23.08 CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!1!111!!!one!!!1

Leg day

5 rounds for time

25 Squats
25 walking lunges (make sure knee taps the ground)
50 step ups 24" box (this is a speed drill)
25 jumping box squats 24" box
10 jump and touch your highest point (measure this mark, tape it and touch it w/ every jump)
40 yard sprint (try to time these sprints)

step ups are kind of like this, but with more explosion up off the box with one foot, switching feet in mid air and landing on the box with the opposite foot. do this as fast as possible

post your time or number of rounds if you hit 20 minutes


Jake Buchanan said...

josh/sam team: 19:20

jake/chris team: 19:58

we doubled the amounts and as a team took the wod on. i would have never picked step ups or lunges as they are girl exercises, but those 2 were the hardest ones. going against each other was mass challenging and forced us not to rest at all. we did not do the 5 round thing we just did total numbers as follows:

125 squats
125 lunges
250 step ups
125 box jumps
50 highest point jumps
5x40 yard sprint

each teammate did this amount and when the first finished he then helped his teammate finish. we did them in any order just as fast as we could. all i know is that i'm hammered, my metabolism will be out of control today, i guarantee i'll be starving all day. it was way different than a cindy, during a cindy it takes forever to hit 20 minutes, this wod was the fastest 20 minute wod i've ever done.

Jake Buchanan said...

has anybody ever noticed that on the crossfit main site videos that dutch is on about 50% of them. what is he the new poster child?

Naylor said...

i'm not following the team workout. what do you mean "he then helped his teammate finish..."

did you guys measure how high you could jump and touch and how fast you ran the 40yd dashes?

yeah, lunges and step ups rock. on the step up i try to focus on jumping straight up in the air, pushing off from the one foot on the box, switch in the air and land with the opposite foot on the box. this kid is focusing on pushing off from the ground...

Jake Buchanan said...

on the vertical jump i'll let you know the measurement, i can barely touch my garage ceiling and that is what i was shooting for.

we did not time the 40 yard dashes.

Chris was on my team, i actually did all his 40 yard sprints and 50 of his step ups. I had finished my portion, but he wasn't done yet and as a team competition we can't finish until both of us finished. it was a blast, there was no way i would have pushed myself like that if i was alone.

Jake Buchanan said...

read this article. it's hard to believe, wierd. i gotta get one.

Naylor said...

jake you're going to be a serious animal in no time...pretty much are attack every wod. i love it!

Jake Buchanan said...

yes, i feel pretty good, i wish i was faster, my times aren't there yet. i need more strength, but you can't push that too fast or injury occurs.

thanks for prescribing these wods. i don't know where tommy, berb or homer are. you have a bad back right now. i must have offended tommy he didn't even respond to my last jab, usually he has boatloads of comebacks. nor did he respond to emails today. he just leaves me guessing sometimes.

the guys in the a.m. crew loved this mornings wod. josh especially loves the lightweight high rep stuff where he's moving all the time.

Berb said...

i dnf'd this one. my knee was giving me serious pains during the lunges and sprints. i was able to pull of 2 rounds in 16:45. my sprints were about 15 seconds. i was looking forward to this one but didn't expect so much pain from the knee.

Tom said...

Listen here Danny. Do you really want to know what my schedule has been like the last couple of days/weeks? Here's what it's looked like since midnight Tuesday:

12:15am: Finished Helen.
1:00am: Went to sleep
6:45am: Woke up w/ kids.
7:00am-8:30am: Make breakfast/dressed the kids/got Sophie off to school.
8:35am: Go to work
8:50am-5:45pm: Work (no lunch / no breaks)
6:00pm - 8:30pm: Rush home so wife can go to some meetings / cook dinner / take care of kids / get kids ready for bed and into bed.
8:30pm - 9:00pm: Do dishes / clean up house
9:00pm – 9:30pm: Change clothes take care of Baby so mom can get ready for bed
9:30pm - 1:30am: Work some more.

6:45am - 8:30am: Wake up with kids / cook breakfast / get Sophie ready for school
8:35am: Head to work to begin the same thing all over again

I’m not kidding when I say “Rinse and Repeat”. This is how it’s been nearly every day for the last 2 weeks. It ebbs and flows, and right now the gates are open.

Any questions?

I'll get this WOD finished, but it may not be on your time schedule there Big Brother.

Jake Buchanan said...

9:30pm - 1:30am: Work some more.

you want to know what i think of that? i think you're digging your own grave.

you don't need a shovel, you've got: 9:30pm - 1:30am: Work some more.

sanity = lose 9:30pm -1:30 am.

Naylor said...

dude, don't do the dishes! LOL when the wife gets home, say, "woman, i be doing my wod, get in that damn kitchen!" let me know how that one goes.

Jake Buchanan said...

i'm all for naylor's response. it's not like you're risking anything.

Naylor said...

except maybe your tenders, from a swift kick.

Jake Buchanan said...

on second thought, save the tenders, they're way too important. just do like me and leave the house a mess and the kitchen a disaster, don't say anything and just go about your business and eventually the wife will clean it up. otherwise in my situation i'm doing dishes all the stinking time and i'd rather not do them and be happy then grumble and have a clean kitchen. i still do a pile of dishes a week, but not daily, i can't handle it.

if i do get to where the house really needs to be cleaned, i just invite somebody over for dinner and magically the house gets clean.

Tom said...

19:08...that wasn't a pretty WOD for my knee issues, but I survived to live another day.

Yes, it's 12:11am here. Do you know where your kids are?

Naylor said...

"if i do get to where the house really needs to be cleaned, i just invite somebody over for dinner and magically the house gets clean."
- Jake

can we put this as one of the quotes on the side? buwahahahaha this made me cry.

Modern Forager