Friday, September 5, 2008

Saturday - 09062008 - Frausto

Saturday - Frausto

I've named this WOD after Frausto, where it was posted on his website/blog on 09022008. After a week of taking it relatively easy to help Jake's aching back, here's a beastly effort for all to consider. 20 minute time limit.

For time (20 minute time limit):
15 x 155lb thrusters
25 Strict pull-ups (no kipping)
12 x 155lb thrusters
20 strict pull-ups (
no kipping)
9 x 155lb thrusters
15 strict pull-ups (
no kipping)

"Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own; sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstructions..."
- William James


Tom said...

Love the visuals on the video and these lines:

"I can't help my boogies;
They get out of control.
I know that you don't care
But I want you to know."

My boogies are going to be out of control after this monstrosity.

Jake Buchanan said...

u'll get through it in a breeze groover. i'm the one who has something to fear.

Tom said...

You calling me a sumo fatty?

Jake Buchanan said...

used 135lb for the thrusters.

very disappointed in not being able to go at it with 155#. i just can't trust my back just yet. AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! I could have finished 155# in under 20 minutes.

i hope you boys have fun with this! it really was a fun wod.

Tom said...

19:38 as rx'd.

I never thought 155lbs would feel soooooooooooooo heavy. I wanted to quit after the first 3 thrusters. I nearly curled up into a fetal position and started crying after the 2 times I dropped the bar to the ground, which then required me to clean it and then restart the thrusters.

Tom said...

PS - those thrusters made my biceps want to literally pop out of the skin and scream in pain.

Not a fun workout. Didn't enjoy that at all.

Jake Buchanan said...

awesome job groover. super job. thrusters always make my biceps and arms tight and able to feel all those small muscles that get ignored. i think i did 5 reps in a row one time, 4 in a row once, the rest i did 3 in a row, it's something i need to work into. i'd like to get to where i can do many reps in a row with this weight.

it did get better along the way, at the start, after 3 thrusters i wondered if i should even do it. you know, blame it on the back. i thought, i'll go for 20 min and see where i'm at, just assuming that i'd groove it and take it easy. but the strict pullups were very easy so that gave me confidence that i could finish it.

this was worth it. one of those great wods.

Modern Forager