Sunday, September 21, 2008


Naylor, i think we should wait till the boys complete the saturday wod before making another monday wod, it's a can't miss, we gotta get people to do that wod. I can do the sprints from last week with my A.M. crew, i missed that wod. Also, consider making it a challenge, like i said in my post, it's a top notch wod, one of the top 5 wod's i've done. My vote is to make make saturday's wod monday's wod. Tommy especially needs to do this one.


Naylor said...

sounds good to me. i was at disneyland on saturday with my home at 1:30am!

i can't take credit for that wod. that was the WOD portion of the 2007 CFT games. However, they did row 1000 meters instead of the run. i think the 800 run makes it a little harder.

tell me how you and your crew like the sprints. it looks a lot easier on paper. especially when DOMS kicks your tail the next two days. hehe

i was bummed that no one did that bad boy.

Jake Buchanan said...

i just couldn't get to it. i wanted to, but i've been spending almost all of my spare time getting wood ready for the winter. i'm going to have to send you a picture of my wood pile, it's getting huge. splitting the wood is a blast too. i must be crazy but i love watching the wood fly apart. i also love the smell of sawdust and chainsaws. it's manly.

Jake Buchanan said...

hey, i found a pdf for the 2007 games. it's kind of interesting for comparison purposes. it gives us something to shoot for.

Jake Buchanan said...

fran today. some of my crew didn't even know who fran is. we can't be having that now, that's just unacceptable.

jake: 4:39
chris: 7:27
josh: 7:29
sam: 7:30

chris and josh both did partial squats, more of a push press. joshs' pullups are not fully extended at the bottom. sam had good full rom in both movements, this one just kicked his butt. he laid on the ground for about a half hour, i thought he was dead. he probably could have done 135lb thrusters in unbroken sets and got about the same time.

as for me the pullups felt great, i was worried that i wouldn't be recovered from the hopper wod from saturday, but i felt like i could have repeated it. i just didn't have much juice in the squat, i had to break up the squats on set 2 and that cost me. i don't know why my legs felt weak. it was a blast regardless.

Jake Buchanan said...

so naylor, what's the scoop on your back? do you have pain still? aggravation, frustration? or is it on the mend?

Naylor said...

i was adjusted on monday, lots of stretching and taking a supplement for my kidneys...drinking tons of water and only doing pullups and ring dips last week. chiropractor thinks my kidneys were off balance and its throwing off my nerves in my back...whatever, i'm giving it another week and if its still no good i'm going to an md and getting an mri.

i might be able to some of the stuff this week, i just won't be too competitive i guess.

Jake Buchanan said...

you'll be a pullup monster by the time you're done with this. you've been missing some nice wods.

do you still have a pack from your elders quorum coming over?

have you heard from homer lately?

Naylor said...

it is crazy how much just doing pullups and ring work kick your butt.

i talked with homer just the other day. i'm going out to visit him on Oct 17...going to catch the boise vs hawaii game, maybe play a little football too.

Modern Forager