Sunday, September 14, 2008

Monday 09.15.08 WOD challenge # 7

GI Jane
100 burpee pullups (Chest to Bar)


Jake Buchanan said...

5k: 22:50 in the evening

also with the a.m. crew this morning:
6x200 sprint
5 rounds of:
10x53#kb press

Jake Buchanan said...

forgot to mention. i tried about 10 burpee pulls, but the transition between pushup and squat was wreaking havoc on my back. i knew the high reps would take a toll. sorry man.....

Naylor said...

that's what hurt my back! LOL

I'm going to try and do 100 pullups for time...should be ok.

Naylor said...

what's ironic is that I figured gi jane would be easy on my back. on the 100th rep I jumped and tweaked it. yard work on saturday just put me over the edge.

Jake Buchanan said...

hey man, that yard work is rough. i've been cutting trees down like crazy to get ready for winter and i think playing around with big logs is what made my back sore. i really don't think it was crossfitting it's just the funky angles used to lift or cut wood.

Naylor said...

anyone do this? i forgot to mention its for time.

Tom said...

Nope...haven't done it yet. All your comments about it tweaking your back have me questioning it...

However, given that there are 4 points up for grab w/ no one else doing it, I almost feel obliged to go at it until done or 20 minutes, whichever comes first...

Naylor said...

you'll be fine. my back was just a time bomb waiting to blow up. i didn't properly rest it when i hurt lifting my bbq back in june.

Modern Forager