Thursday, July 31, 2008

Friday's wod----'Rosalie'

5 rounds
300 meter sprint-on a hill if possible
5 thrusters @ 135lbs-tommy, naylor increase weight do as much as you can.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thursday's WOD 7-30-08 -----'Brendan'

115lb sumo deadlift high pull
115lb push jerk/push press

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wednesday July 30th----'Ginger'


1/2 mile run

30 knees to elbows

30 windsheild wipers, to see how they're done:

30 situps

30 L-style pullups

Monday, July 28, 2008

Tuesday's WOD 7-29-08

Heavy Jeremy:
21-15-9 115lb oh squat, burpees.....for time.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday's wod "I'd rather have an enema"

5 oh squats with 44,53, 70lb kettlebell, your choice

8 36" box jumps
30 double unders
as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes

the oh squats you can alternate arms or use same arm, whatever you prefer, it's just 5 total reps per round.  it's a light day today, 

Friday, July 25, 2008

Saturday - 07262008 - Last Challenge WOD


3 rounds for time:

10 x BW Bench Press
15 x 135lb clean
20 x Dips
40 x 24" box jumps
60 x 53lb KB swings
80 x Air Squats
100 x Sit-ups

I probably should have planned the week better. I was going back over our WODs and this one was supposed to be the beast we encountered the 1st week of the BL challenge back in early June. Somehow we did something different. I'm not sure if I'll even be able to finish it, but one of the virtues of CrossFit is supposed to be the ability to handle whatever comes at you at a moments notice. Even though we just did KB swings, even though we just did BW benches or even though we just did a gazillion air squats. Now is your chance to put the body's adaptability to the test and run through this ringer.

Even so, I'm scared just thinking about this beast.

Friday - 07252008

Today will be a catch up day. I'm not sure where Berb is. Jake hasn't even done all the WODs for as powerful and fast as he thinks he is. Naylor is too busy laughing at how slow we are and Homer, well, he's Homer and too busy worrying about kidney calcification (two words: diet soda).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thursday - 07242008 - Challenge WOD #5

In honor of Pioneer Day, here is Thursday's WOD. Sorry for the repetition on the sandbag, it's the only thing I could think of that the Pioneers would be doing that would have lots of weight in it.

"Pioneer Days"

3 Rounds For Time
7 x 100lb Sandbag Thrusters
24 x 100lb Sandbag Deadlifts
45lb OH Lunges - 18 Steps
47m Uneven Farmer's Walk (44/53lb KB in one hand; 70lb KB in other; switch @ 23.5m)


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wednesday - 07232008 - Challenge WOD #3 & #4

Two WODs for Wednesday. Do in whatever order you want.

Challenge WOD #3:

"Sam I Am"

For time:
100 x Fist push-ups
75 x 95lb SDHP
50 x Ring Dips
25 x 45lb weighted pull-ups
12 x HSPU

...then, Challenge WOD #4 (whenever you want to do it, immediately following the other WOD, at lunch, at dinner at 2am when your wife kicks you out of bed for pulling a covered wagon trick, whenever):


Max Reps, 5 rounds. No time component. Rest as needed btw rounds
BW Bench
Post combined number of reps and Bench load to comments.

Remember, even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

Berb's pics for the challenge

or the 300

sorry for taking so long...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tuesday - 07222008 - Challenge WOD #2

Challenge WOD #2:

For time
Squat: 80 - 40 - 20 - 40 - 80
KB Swing @ 53lbs: 40 - 20 - 10 - 20 - 40
Pull-ups: 20 - 10 - 5 - 10 - 20
Mountain Climbers: 20 - 10 - 5 - 10 - 20

Round 1 would be 80 squats, 40 swings, 20 pull-ups and 20 mountain climbers
Round 2 would be 40 squats, 20 swings, 10 pull-ups and 10 mountain climbers
... and so on.

Mountain Climbers: 1 rep would be where both legs have gone forward once (2-count). Try to break the plane where your hands are located, no matter if you do the climbers between your hands or the wide version.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Monday - 07212008 - Challenge Day #1

Sorry for the late post. I just got home following a 9+ hour drive home from Palmyra in the rain most of the way.

As promised, here is the WOD for Jake's first challenge. Let it be known, Jake, that you brought this upon yourself. Now, gird up your loins and get running.

Here is Challenge WOD #1. Enjoy:

Sand Bag Hell

4 rounds for time
(1) Run 400m with the bag
(2) Deadlift bag 30x
(3) Get bag overhead from shoulders 25x (push-press/press/whatever)

***Bag is 100lbs***


Friday, July 18, 2008

what does everyone look like here? all i really know is homer's sexy mug. he's also the superhero in my avatar! haha

you guys should come down and run the boot camp challenge with me in San Diego. it's in October. 3 mile run with drill sargents yellig at you the entire time. there were a ton of crossfitters last year.

chilling out at Carlsbad Beach on the 4th of July.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saturday - 07192008

Numa Numa
15 Ring Push-ups
12 Push Press @ 115lbs
9 L-sit pull-ups

AMRAP - 20 minutes

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thursday - 07172008

Light/Rest Day

Ring Push-ups/Knee-to-Elbows

Still need submissions for Challenge Week I. Come on people!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wednesday - 07162008

OHS Fran

115lb OHS

Monday, July 14, 2008

Cowbell Challenge I

Yes, Jake, this will end very, very badly for you too.

Let the challenge, the first real Cowbell challenge, begin. I'm calling on everyone to submit their 2 or 3 favorite WODs.

Starting a week from today (Monday) we shall have a challenge. I, as the challengee, shall select all 6 WODs (from those you send in), yes that's days off during a challenge. This will be different than the BL challenge, as we will tally up the total time spent WODding and the person with the lowest total score shall be declared the winner.

Everyone, including Jake's minions, are encouraged to participate. This may not be about finishing in 1st place as it'll be difficult to dethrone Naylor, but 2nd place will be a hallowed finishing spot.

For privacy sake, email at least 1 to tbbuchanan "at" (you'll have to copy/paste that into your email browser and put the @ sign in yourself so the spammers don't pick it up and send me even more viagra samples).

Let the submitting begin.

Tuesday - 07152008

It's time we did this...

CrossFit Total

1 Rep Max...

Back Squat / Shoulder Press / Deadlift

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Monday - 07142008

I almost feel obligated to throw some muscle-ups into this WOD, but am resisting the urge.

Here goes:

Uneven Grace

  • 30 reps Clean & Jerk @ 135lb
    • 45lb bar; 50lb of weights on one side/40lb weights on other side
    • Break-up into sets of 5. Do 5 one side, switch over the bar and do 5 on that side; it'll end up being 3 sets of 5 on both sides for a total of 30 (heavy side is lifted 15x on each side of your body.)

Copy and paste this link into your browser:

That is the link to the 04152008 Crossfit WOD, which then has a video of the rules of Uneven Grace. The main one (and only one other than what is listed above) is to tape where your hands fall on a regular, evenly weighted bar for the clean/jerk. Put one piece of tape on the inside of each hand and one on the outside of each hand...your hands have to stay in between the tape "boundary" throughout the WOD. The video from the above link portrays it better than I can explain it.

For those wanting a 2nd WOD...try the following (with less than a 5-minute break from your Grace time):

Pull-Up Ladder
Perform 1 pull-up the 1st minute, 2 pull-ups the 2nd minute, 3 pull-ups the 3rd minute and so on until the minute elapses before you finish the allotted # of pull-ups.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Saturday - 07122008


25 L-sit pull-ups
400m run
21x185lb bench press
800m run
21x185lb bench press
400m run
25 Knee-to-Elbows


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Friday - 07112008

Today's WOD will be a "your choice" WOD...

Option 1: Deadlift - 1x1x1x1x1x1x1

Option 2: Clean & Jerk - 1x1x1x1x1x1x1

"Basically when it says things like 1-1-1-1-1 or 3-3-3-3-3 that means you work your way up to a 1RM (RM=rep max) or 3RM or 5RM. So you start with something you KNOW you can do, and work your way up to maximum. That is of course after some lighter warmup sets of the movement. (kind of like doing the CFT)"

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wednesday - 07092008

Here is BL #3


400m run
21 x 53lb KB swing
12 x pull-ups

3 rounds for time.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tuesday 07082008

Day 2 of the Return of BL:

WOD 1: Simmons (Hero) - 75lb Power Snatch, 75 reps for time
WOD 2: Tabata Something Else (TSE) - Pull/Push/Sit/Squat - 1 minute rest between exercises. Total the amount of reps from each exercise, add everything up at the end for a total score.

Week 1 Results - Simmons/TSE
Tom: 9:52 / 404
Jake: 10:20 / 539
Naylor: ? / ?
Homer: ? / ?
Berb: 11:46 / 239

Good luck.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Return - Monday 070708

This week will be labeled as The Return. The return of Bruce Lee. We are returning to the WODs we performed the first week of June. The goal is to show improvement, any kind of improvement. It can be improvement in time, if you did the WOD as Rx'd last time, or in strength, if you couldn't do it as Rx'd last time...either way, you choose, but show the improvement.

So, without further ado, tomorrow's WOD will be:


5 rounds of:
400m run
15 x 95lb OH Squat

Here are the results from the first week:
Naylor: 14:35 (as Rx'd)
Jake: 16:59 (45lb OH squats)
Homer: 17:48 (weight ?)
Tom: 17:59 (as Rx'd)
Berb: 20:09 (weight ?)

The reason for the "?" by Homer and Berb is because you didn't say whether it was as Rx'd last time or not...those are each of your times to beat if you "as Rx'd" it, or, in the case of Jake, his goal is to get an "as Rx'd" no matter how much slower it is.

Good luck to all and welcome to The Return...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

070508 WOD

10 rounds for time:

135lbs deadlift x 15 reps
20 pushups

Thursday, July 3, 2008

070308 Nature Calls

5 rounds for time:

Bear Crawl
Crab Crawl forward
Frog Jump
Frog Jump
Crab Crawl backwards
Bear Crawl

all movements are 100 feet or full length basketball court

bear crawl =

crab crawl =

Frog Jump = squat like a frog with hands on the ground and jump as far as possible, stretching your body in the air and then bring your feet under you when you land.

this is a great wod to do with your kids, they should love doing these movements with you!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

070208 Pullup Ladder

for time:

5 pullups for each weight in lbs.
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20

times will more than likely vary, depending on if you use a dipping belt or just put the weight between your legs.

chalk up and feel the love!

this song gets me PUMPED!!! you may recognize it from Nike's "My better is better than your better" commerical

Modern Forager