Monday, July 14, 2008

Cowbell Challenge I

Yes, Jake, this will end very, very badly for you too.

Let the challenge, the first real Cowbell challenge, begin. I'm calling on everyone to submit their 2 or 3 favorite WODs.

Starting a week from today (Monday) we shall have a challenge. I, as the challengee, shall select all 6 WODs (from those you send in), yes that's days off during a challenge. This will be different than the BL challenge, as we will tally up the total time spent WODding and the person with the lowest total score shall be declared the winner.

Everyone, including Jake's minions, are encouraged to participate. This may not be about finishing in 1st place as it'll be difficult to dethrone Naylor, but 2nd place will be a hallowed finishing spot.

For privacy sake, email at least 1 to tbbuchanan "at" (you'll have to copy/paste that into your email browser and put the @ sign in yourself so the spammers don't pick it up and send me even more viagra samples).

Let the submitting begin.


Naylor said...

oh no you didn't! *snap Z snap*

Jake Buchanan said...

why only 6 wods? make it a real challenge and do 2 a day with no rest days.

not complaining only suggesting. i'm just happy that you've responded.

i was actually thinking you'd prescribe something painful like 150 burpees in less than 10 minutes or something like that.

Naylor said...

emailed you some wods.

Modern Forager