Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saturday - 07192008

Numa Numa
15 Ring Push-ups
12 Push Press @ 115lbs
9 L-sit pull-ups

AMRAP - 20 minutes


Tom said...

I did 5 rounds in 20:58.

I completed 4 full rounds + the 15 ring push-ups + 12 push presses in 19:50, but I couldn't stop there so I did the remaining l-sits.

It was a painful WOD. My shoulders felt dead in between the push presses and l-sits, literally felt out of gas after each round of push presses.

Good WOD, though.

Naylor said...

yeah that's a nice one, similiar to today's main site.

Tom said...

It was a lot harder than it looks on paper, at least for me. It's been a while since my muscles felt as weak as they did in between the presses and the l-sits. It was hard enough just to raise my arms to reach the pull-up bar, let alone do any more presses.

Naylor said...

believe it or not that video is actually less gay with the numa numa song. LOL

yeah man, my shoulders and tris are jacked right now. i was originally going to up the weight to 135lbs since i left it on there from grace...glad i didn't!

that nathaniel video is great. my buddy's son was on the show when it first aired and they had him dancin' around like that. good stuff! you see that they get biz markie on there regularly?

Modern Forager