Thursday, July 3, 2008

070308 Nature Calls

5 rounds for time:

Bear Crawl
Crab Crawl forward
Frog Jump
Frog Jump
Crab Crawl backwards
Bear Crawl

all movements are 100 feet or full length basketball court

bear crawl =

crab crawl =

Frog Jump = squat like a frog with hands on the ground and jump as far as possible, stretching your body in the air and then bring your feet under you when you land.

this is a great wod to do with your kids, they should love doing these movements with you!


Naylor said...


Tom said...

I did it...untimed, last night at a concert in the park with my kids. They did the first 2 rounds with me then got bored.

I'm not sure what time I would have got, but the crap crawl sure did tax my arms.

They liked the bear crawl best.

Where's todays WOD you wod?

Tom said...

Where's berb at? We haven't heard from him since Monday.

Jake Buchanan said...

ditto with the wod. my kiddies were laughing at me, it was fun. they did about half of it. at least there were no lugnuts clapping at me. the stinking frog jumps were hard especially considering i was coming off the bear and the 250 squat/farmer walk wod's.

that's more squats than i usually do in 2 weeks and we did them back to back. my legs are still pretty much toast. you've nailed my weakness this week naylor.

Tom said...

I did the pullup ladder this morning, trying to "become friends with my weaknesses."

I did 12 (78 total pullups).

Long way to go. My arms felt like they were going to explode those last two rounds.

Jake Buchanan said...

good job on the pullup ladder tommy, ur better at pulls than you think.

sam & josh came over this morning, we did some 200m sprints and then a 1/4 angie w/additional waiter walks-50m.

Naylor said...

sorry guys, meant to have today as a rest day. i surfed all day...great time. hope you all had a good 4th!

Modern Forager