Monday, July 7, 2008

Tuesday 07082008

Day 2 of the Return of BL:

WOD 1: Simmons (Hero) - 75lb Power Snatch, 75 reps for time
WOD 2: Tabata Something Else (TSE) - Pull/Push/Sit/Squat - 1 minute rest between exercises. Total the amount of reps from each exercise, add everything up at the end for a total score.

Week 1 Results - Simmons/TSE
Tom: 9:52 / 404
Jake: 10:20 / 539
Naylor: ? / ?
Homer: ? / ?
Berb: 11:46 / 239

Good luck.


Jake Buchanan said...

richard simmons: 7:57 as rx'd

tabata something else: 522
pullups and situp numbers were down, way down, the pushups and squat numbers were better, which made me happy.

Tom said...

Simmons: 7:43 as Rx'd (2:09 better than last time).

TSE: 428 (+24 better than last time).

Today can be described in one word: sweaty. I took about a 10 minute break in between the two.

Berb said...

richard simmons: 8:44 as rx'd (3:02 better than last time)

tse: 343 (+104 better than last time)
pullups were slow but improved. push ups and sit ups were a ton better.

Tom said...

Well done Berb. That's a huge improvement.

Jake Buchanan said...

yes, quite well done berbie......

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