Friday, July 11, 2008

Saturday - 07122008


25 L-sit pull-ups
400m run
21x185lb bench press
800m run
21x185lb bench press
400m run
25 Knee-to-Elbows



Jake Buchanan said...


not as rx'd, i sub'd 25 fingertip pushups and 15 of 70# weighted pullups for the bench presses

Berb said...


i sub'd 165 lb bench. i maxed out this week at 200, so 185 is really a push with no spotter.

during my warmup, I landed a 30" box jump. it felt awesome. it was all mental.

Jake Buchanan said...

go and eat a big burger berb, you deserve it!

Jake Buchanan said...

go and eat a big burger berb, you deserve it!

Tom said...

23:25 ...

... as rx'd.

Just for my enlightenment, bruce, why did you go about subbing weighted pull-ups and fingertip pushups for the 185lb bench presses?

I would have thought a logical sub would have been what berb did, less weight (say 155lb for you).

I guess you're just trying to flex your pull-up mastery.

Jake Buchanan said...

i made a mistake, when i got under the bar on the bench i could only do 2 reps and then with much force. i decided that bench wasn't for me this day. so i went about my pullups, and finished. when i went to put my weight away that was on the bench i realized that i had 205 on the bar. 205 was my last max. i also did not warm up.

one day young grasshopper you will come to realize that weighted pullups have more value than the bench press. i understand that may take awhile with your super sized cranium, i know it needs to sink in and i will give it time for you. hear me now believe me later.

Tom said...

Oh, old master, how you think you know everything.

On, if you go back and look over all their WODs, you'll see that they average doing pull-ups 6x per month. If you count muscle-ups, you up to 7x per month, 8x at the max.

This past week we had pull-ups prescribed in 2 different WODs (which would equate to 8x per month), but you fail to understand that much and feel that pull-ups are an appropriate sub for every activity.

It seems that Mr. Modification really should be aptly named Mr. "I'll replace any WOD I don't like with Weighted Pull-ups" and call it good.

Maybe we should be called the Pull-up Warriors and do pull-ups for every WOD since that's the only apparent exercise that's any good for us.

Jake Buchanan said...

6x is not enough. that's why you see so many people barely getting their chins over the bar. and that's also why very few people can do consecutive muscle ups. besides none of them have the desire to do one arm chins like me. i will get one arm chins one may take a while, but someday i will. one one arm chin is equal to 25 regular pullups. so yes i will sub weighted pullups periodically until i master the one arm chin.

bench press..... all that gives you is big boobs. my boobs are big enough. i realized the other night that i'm almost bigger than my wife. yes, i realize that that is too much information, but nonetheless it's not right. what i can't figure out is why you never select incline or decline bench. you need more focus on the whole pec rather than just the part covered by the regular bench.

Tom said...

Your preaching is in fine form today. I see your lips moving, but I can't make out the words. I'm deaf.

Since you rarely, if ever/never, believe your younger, wiser brother, I'll pilfer the words of someone you may have heard of: Mark Rippetoe.

Quotes from Mark Rippetoe (owner of CrossFit Wichita Falls; NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning specialist; USA Weightlifting II Coach & Senior Coach; regular contributor to the CrossFit Journal)

1) "The vast majority of my members learned a while back that he best way to keep their shoulders healthy was to press and bench press in equal doses."
2) "The bench press is the best exercise for absolute strenth in the upper body, because it allows the lifter to move heavier weights with the arms than any other exercise."
3) "It should be included in every ... training program."
4) "Benching provides hard active work for the chest, shoulders, and arms and isometric work for the forearms, and it trains ... lifters well in the fundamental skill of pushing on a very heavy load."
5) "The vast majority of humans on this planet have no experience with maximal effort. They have never had to push really, really hard on anything, and that is a skill that should be developed, along with cooking, critical thinking, and interpersonal relations."
6) "The bench press is a very good place to ... bear down and push hard, and this invaluable lesson translates to all the other lifts quite well."

So, while you may go and do your usual mocking of the exercises I select, someday you may come to learn that you're going to need to be able to push something. Pull-ups are great, you're right, but they aren't the only exercise, nor is getting your chest to the bar the only fruit of CrossFit.

Hear me now, believe me later.

Tom said...

Reference for the Mark Rippetoe quotes:

"The Slow Lifts, Part 4: The Bench Press," CrossFit Journal, June 2006.

Best Regards,
Your Humble GrassHopper.

Jake Buchanan said...


look at rippetoe's body. he's inflexible and with a big gut. i doubt he could get though a fran in under 20 minutes. yes i'd like to see him crank out 20 pullups. if he could do that i'd respect the heck out of the guy.

he can teach a person how to deadlift and how to squat but when he speaks i can't hear a word he says because of how he looks.

until you can do a fran with continuous pullups you should make pullups your focus, when you can do 21 in a row then go back to your bench press groove.

i would like naylor to weigh in, there is a man who can bench 355 and rip out the pullups.

Tom said...

Bench press groove?

Where do I begin? The is the first time that bench presses have been prescribed since the first week of June (that's 6 weeks for those counting) and you call it a groove? It’s not like I’m advocating a bench press intensive program, but it has its place in CF…especially if you can’t press your BW more than a couple of times. I have a personal goal of 15xBW on the bench for the time being, just like I have a personal goal of 15xBW of OHS. Each exercise, along with the entire gamut of CrossFit exercises and Olympic lifting, has its place in CrossFit.

I'm not sure why you're giving me a bad rap for hating pull-ups either. Granted, I'm not as proficient as you are at them, but I sure as heck don't suck at them either, nor do I do the complaining you do about benches or burpees when pull-ups are prescribed. When I started CrossFit a couple of months ago I could barely do 2 or 3 in a row, now I’m in the teens doing them the “strict” version because my current set-up prevents kipping at risk of kicking against some pricky nails in the wall. Am I as good as you? Clearly not, but I don’t complain when they’re prescribed 3-4x per week.

If I'm not mistaken, CrossFit is supposed to allow us to get our entire bodies in top form, not just those used in a pull-up or weighted pull-up. The WOD on Saturday has made me sorer than I've been since we started the BL week the first week of June and that, to me, is a symbol of some serious underutilization of some muscles.

Now, I realize that everyone has their favorite WODs/exercises and it's clear that yours is the pull-up...and that, IMO, is because you're proficient at it. We love those exercises that we're good at because it means we can pump them out with ease and efficiency, but hate those exercises that we suck at because we can't pump them out fast, or with ease and efficiency.
If you showed the dedication for every exercise that you do for the pull-up you'd be a beast.

However, in the meantime instead of channeling that intensity into presses, heavy/strenuous lifts, or even the bench, even if scaled, you hunker down and scale some WOD into a pull-up WOD. And that, by itself, is OK but don’t lambaste me for wanting to do something else besides pull-ups or weighted pull-ups once in a while.

Some genius once told me to “make friends with my weaknesses.” I have a lot of weaknesses, and most lifting/pressing (including the bench press) exercises represent a weakness for me. I’m not going to run and hide from them; I’m going to develop them until I feel comfortable with a certain level of achievement, and then forge onward.

Jake Buchanan said...

a challenge for you:

pick any excercise that you think is my weakness i will go at it until i reach the goal you set for me. pick anything: burpees, ohs, bench, squat you name it....anything. the goal can be a timed goal, a weight goal a repetition goal or all three. it's your pick. i relish the challenge. go ahead make me stretch, pick the most miserable, most dreaded one, pick anything!

and then, if you want, let me pick a challenge for you. but that is not required. i will only set the challenge for you if you're up to it.

Naylor said...


Jake Buchanan said...

he's not responding. i challenged his manhood and he doesn't respond. what does that mean?

Tom said...


...what are your thoughts on the bench?

Naylor said...

the bench is one of the best exercises you can do. it recruits so many more muscles than just your chest.

unlike a lot of kool aid crossfitters the bench has a lot of real world applications. such as smashing another guys face in, or moving a stalled car out of an intersection.

no seriously, it's great and i feel it's under utilized in crossfit.

whenever the wod requires benching i'm reminded of how good it is for you!

Naylor said...

there's a reason why the nfl uses max reps of 225lbs bench as a measurement of strength. it's a very good indicator of how badass a guy is...i'm just saying. ;)

Modern Forager