Sunday, July 20, 2008

Monday - 07212008 - Challenge Day #1

Sorry for the late post. I just got home following a 9+ hour drive home from Palmyra in the rain most of the way.

As promised, here is the WOD for Jake's first challenge. Let it be known, Jake, that you brought this upon yourself. Now, gird up your loins and get running.

Here is Challenge WOD #1. Enjoy:

Sand Bag Hell

4 rounds for time
(1) Run 400m with the bag
(2) Deadlift bag 30x
(3) Get bag overhead from shoulders 25x (push-press/press/whatever)

***Bag is 100lbs***



Jake Buchanan said...

i can't believe that im seeing this, what are you thinking?

Naylor said...

ah crap, me and my big mouth.

Tom said...

It's the result of a couple of things.

(1) Jake talking trash.
(2) Naylor's penchant for bruising WODs
(3) The fact that Naylor and Jake were the only ones to respond to the call for WODs
(4) My weekend vacation. My body is now rested and ready for a bruising.

Enjoy. I know that my lunch hour will be spent with my new best friend, dear old Sandbagger.

Jake Buchanan said...

leave me out of this. this is all your baby, this is yours and your cremation.

i had in mind that you would make me do 100 burpees or something like that or set a time table challenging me to do bodyweight ohs x 10. This is non-sensical.

Tom said...

You brought this on yourself Jakob.

Here are your words, which you are undoubtedly regretting, straight from the horses mouth:

"pick's your pick. i relish the challenge. go ahead make me stretch, pick the most miserable, most dreaded one, pick anything!"

Tom said...

So, what I'm saying, is that you essentially asking for something as outlandish as this WOD is far from "nonsensical."

Naylor said...

oh man, i'm just dieing laughing. i have to get my brothers on this site!

come on jake, gird up your loins man! i'm so stoked for this WOD, it's all i keep thinking about.

i can barely put my pants on, my back is so messed up right now, but i'm going to still do this one!

Jake Buchanan said...

stress this point:

"most dreaded one" it was about making weakpoints strongpoints. i'm not sure how killing myself is going to make a weakpoint strong.

regardless, i'm in. i just want you to know that i think you're nuts.

Homer said...

I am here. Still alive. not being lazy by choice. Doc's orders to take it easy- I have an appointment with a kidney specialist on the 31st. Just pray it is nothing so I can get back to normal life. I had a CT scan and blood draw this AM. Maybe Sam can give insight on why they are requiring all of these testings.
Peace bruthas. I will back before you know it.

Berb said... are a bonehead! do you realize that carrying 100 lbs for 50 meters is hard enough? but 400 meters...come on. jake...i propose that the Buchanan clan reinstate an old tradition...the dreaded fish hook. our next visit...lil' tom, shall be a fun one.

Tom said...


It's not 400m. It's 1600m.

Also, had you heeded my plea to email me some WODs, it's very possible that I would have chosen something different. However, you have nobody to blame but yourself, and maybe Jake, but Jake is a notorious blameshifter.

It's not like you have to sprint with the thing...just load it across your shoulders and chug at a nice slow jog for 400m at a time.

I haven't heard this much whining since I the last time Jake chucked a plastic cow your direction when you weren't looking.

Jake Buchanan said...

the plastic cow thing was seth.

how could you forget that?

i emailed you some wod's, i gave at least 6 choices and none of them involved a 2 and a half hour wod.

Jake Buchanan said...

how come nobody has posted a time yet?

tom where are you? did you have your neighbor clapping at you this time? a 100lb bag will surely attract some good attention.

Tom said...

Tonight, amigo, fear not.

I attempt everything, even if I fail miserably. Heck, in thinking about it, I've even had visions of me passing out on the 3rd or 4th 400m dash.

We shall see. I might even meet pukie tonight, but there's a first time for everything!!!


Now, suck it up buttercup and do it.

Naylor said...

i'm about to go weight my new bag. i blew out my old one. i think i might be about 120lbs. i sure as hell hope not! LOL

i actually have butterflies for this bad boy! how did everyone do so far?

Naylor said...

well my bag weighed in at 115lbs. i finished in 41:24. absolutely, one of the hardest wod's i have ever done. every 400 meters was a test of sure will power.

i seriously don't know if i will be able to move tomorrow. THAT WAS AWESOME!!!

Tom said...

46:33 as Rx'd.

That was tough. During the first 2 rounds I couldn't even figure out how to get the dang thing over my head 1x, let alone 25x. The last 400m was tough. I stopped about 150m into the run, had to drop the bag, and then I stood there staring at it wondering how in the heck I was going to get it back to a point where I could carry it the last 250m.

Somehow I managed. My fingers are raw from wiping all the sweat off my face and then handling the canvas bag for so long. It hurts typing this.

Jake Buchanan said...

well done

Jake Buchanan said...


i walked, did not run with the bag, it was a simple bag carry. it took about 4½ min per 400 meters.

getting the bag overhead was more of a push press and i did not lock out my arms, sorry. i'm just not capable of a full lock out with that weight and that screwy bag that wants to go everywhere but up.

i don't think the real bruce would have even attempted this wod. nobody in their right mind would have. but as you know i'm not in my right mind and probably never will be.

Tom said...

This one is still taking a toll on me. I feel lethargic and my body nearly groans everytime I stand up and start walking somewhere.

It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. We need more of these. Honestly, it makes everything seem that much easier.

Naylor said...

i'm not sure what happened, but i feel totally fine! my back pain is A LOT less this morning. i'm wondering if i was able to stretch something out last night.

i expected the complete opposite! so weird...i do have a nice little bruise on my right shoulder from carrying the bag with my right arm/shoulder.

Naylor said...

at the last minute i decided to tape the top knuckle on all my fingers and thumbs. it definitely helped with this brute.

Tom said...

Maybe this should be called the: SandBag Miracle Worker

Actually, I wish I would have taped my fingers. That would have helped.

Well done, Naylor.

Naylor said...

thanks bud. it's still pretty early in the day here. i'm sure i'll be singing a different tune by this afternoon when DOMS rears his ugly little head.

Naylor said...

uh yeah go ahead and forget that whole i'm not sore bit. DOMs is kicking in and its not fun. LOL

Jake Buchanan said...

i'm with you man. i was going to get a head start for tomorrow and do lynne tonight. upon doing one rep on the bench my body was having none of it. i'm not sure how i'm going to finish tomorrow........

it's hit and i'm fatigued..... hopefully a quick recovery by morning

Tom said...

24 hours later and I'm fine.

4 months ago, I would have been sore for at least a week. Now, 24 hours later and no lingering soreness.

It's a beautiful thing.

Jake Buchanan said...

you're not sore because you took the end of last week off, knowing what was coming up. you groover.

Tom said...

Not necessarily true.

I didn't get Naylor's WOD suggestions until late Sunday night. I did take the weekend easy, but I didn't know the SandBag Miracle Worker was coming up.

Naylor said...

that's great news tom! most of my soreness is my right shoulder/trap from carrying the bag on my shoulder.

i'll be doing "unworthy" tonight. i ended up going to bed early after making another sandbag last night...i'm a little beat up from saturday and monday, good stuff!

Tom said...

Brethren, it takes a truly memorable WOD to surpass 30 comments. I think this is the 1st one. Well done, Naylor.

Modern Forager