Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday 09.19.08 WOD CHALLENGE #8

For time:
SDHP 45lbs x 100
25 Burpees
SDHP 45lbs x 75
50 Burpees
SDHP 45lbs x 50
75 Burpees


Jake Buchanan said...

jake: 25:33
sam: 26:29
includes a 5 minute penalty for not doing it as rx'd.

Tom said...

Naylor... seem like a reasonable man, but what's with the burpee love? I'm of the mindset that they are a worthless exercise (little return for a lot of work) and don't see the benefit of doing them.

If you take the 100 burpee challenge...I'd much rather do 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups and 100 jumping squats as opposed to 100 burpees, but that's just me. I realize they get your heart pounding when the reps get high, but where's the advantage.

I apologize for my ignorance (there's plenty in my brain to go around for those who want some), but I just don't see it. You've been doing CrossFit longer than I so maybe you have some light you can shed...

Jake Buchanan said...
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Jake Buchanan said...

by the way, that was some sweet johnny cash action you found.

Tom said...

Jake, why'd you do away with the Amundson information? Get me some sources...

NayNay...where are you?

Tom said...

Here's what I was able to make it through in 20:00 (as Rx'd):

100 x 45lb SDHP
25 x Burpees
75 x 45lb SDHP
50 x Burpees
25 x 45lb SDHP

Then the clock struck midnight and, luckily, I was able to lose the burpee slipper on the way out the door.

I think we should implement 2 new rules.

Rule 1: Burpees, or any form of burpees (such as burpulls), can be prescribed a maximum of 1x per week.
Rule 2: If anyone prescribes a burpee WOD, they promise to do/attempt the WOD to the best of their ability. We all realize things come up and sometimes we're not able to complete the WOD, but if you are going to prescribe burpees then you have to PROMISE that you are going to participate in that WOD.
Rule 3: Burpees will now be designated as "Outer Darknesses" because of (a) their innate uselessness and (b) my disdain for them.

Any suggestions/thoughts/concerns?

Naylor, you better be doing this WOD!!!

Naylor said...

LOL first chance i've had to get online. you like that everlast song?

i've never really looked at burpees as a sub for pushups and squats. i try to do a burpee in one continual movement that tends to make it its own distinct move.

i also think burpees help condition the body for real world applications (i.e. football, basketball, baseball, snowboarding, fighting, etc.). where at anytime there's a chance you'll either be knocked down or dive to the ground and be required to get back up as fast as possible.

try not to look at it as a sub for anything, but really a movement unto itself. then again, i'm no expert. i like them because they make most people cry. hehe

Naylor said...

haha! we must have been typing at the same time! dude, you didn't even do the last 75! that's when the real hell starts!

jake and sam's times are very very good!

Tom said... warm up was this:
5 press + 4 push press + 3 push jerks @ the following weights:
35lb, 65lb, 85lb, 115lb and 135lb

25 total presses
20 total push presses
15 total push jerks

60 total presses at an average weight of 87lbs.

Then...10 x 70lb KB presses.

It felt good to do something. I've had some allergies kicking my tail since Wednesday morning when I woke up...but finally felt up to doing something today (and, I finally had a few free minutes at home when I wasn't too tired.:))

PSS - love the song NayNay.

Tom said...

It's a good thing I didn't do the last 75. There would have been some weeping and wailing going on. Those challenges have a 20:00 time limit for a reason...those last 75 would have taken 10 minutes by themselves.

Naylor said...

oops...i forgot about that sissy 20 minute rule. LOL

Tom said...

Jake, what do you think about calling the 20:00 time limit the Frausto Rule?

NayNay...look at Frausto's blog.

This is what he said recently: "It seems as of late that I have been attacking the longer, grinding workouts. I do feel that is what I need though because I have lost a little bit of endurance both physically and mentally." Now, go to his blog and see how many of his WODs actually make it to 20:00.

Over the last 2 months, from what I can see, he's had ONE WOD exceed 20:00 and only 3 others even exceed 15:00...

Not what I'm all about, but thought that was especially interesting given the "longer, grinding" quote above.

I'll show you sissy Mr.-I-Prescribe-Outer-Darknesses-2x-in 1 Week-and-Don't-Do-Them-Myself!

BTW...I get the utility argument of having to get up in football...but where does the benefit of 75+ come into play. All it did was make me sweat. They weren't hard or taxing on my body or muscles. I felt a lot more burn from the SDHPs...

Hear me now, believe me later.

Naylor said...

i agree i think too many long wod's are not good. that's the beauty of crossfit. you're in and out in under 20 mins most times.

maybe you should try to do your burpees faster or something. i don't know...i like them.

trust me, i want to do these is my first day this week that i can get up out of a chair and not lose my breath.

Tom said...

My comment referring to Frausto was sarcastic...

...while I agree shorter WODs are great, completing only 3 or 4 WODs around 15 minutes in a 2-month span can't qualify as "longer, grinding" in my book.

That being said, the 20-minute limit on challenges was put in to avoid 40 minute debacles. Plus, the 20-minute rule helps keep efficiency up, for the most part.

Modern Forager