Monday, September 29, 2008

09292008 - The Chief - Challenge

Challenge - "The Chief" - Posted to CrossFit 09142008

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.

"The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions."
- Alfred Adler


Berb said...

add 42 more kb presses to mine for the month. these were from thursday and saturday of last week.

Jake Buchanan said...

sam was the only one to do the chief. due to lack of barbells.
round 1: 5
round 2: 5
round 3: 5
round 4: 5
round 5: 6
total of 26.

the rest of us did a swing tabata followed by a pullup tabata.
swing tabata:
chris: 71 total swings w/53#kb
josh: 75 total swings w/53#kb
jake: 80 total swings w/70#kb

pullup tabata:
chris: 56
josh: 58
jake: 65

pullup numbers are not very high, but they're brutal following a swing tabata. i think i could get 100 total swings once i develope some speed with the 70lb kettlebell. i did one swing tabata last week and only did 9 per round for a total of 72, and it was rugged. at that time i thought 10 would be brutal, but today was easier for some reason. i'm working on improving the two handed overhead swing, it's much harder than the one arm pavel style russian swing.

Tom said...

How is it that you have enough barbells for 3 of you to finish Grace, but not enough for you to do The Chief?

Jake Buchanan said...

i have 2 oly barbells and 2 kiddie size, the kiddie size goes up to 115lbs max.

one of my oly barbells has broken. it's currently in the welding shop to get the ends collars welded on solid. i told you the other day that i'm in serious need of olympic barbells.

Tom said...

Jake, you still have a date with The Chief tonight. I want to see how many rounds you can get.

Tom said...

Ditto for Berb.

Berb said...

round 1: 5
round 2: 4
round 3: 4
round 4: 4
round 5: 3

total = 20

it was harder than it seemed, but i was suprised by how fast it went. my hr was racing the whole time.

this should also be a benchmark wod

Jake Buchanan said...

i'm not even considering doing it until tommy does it.

Jake Buchanan said...

forgot to mention,

well done berb!!!! 20 is a fantastic number

Tom said...

Come on Big Brother. You know the WODs and I have a set 11:30pm date every day. Don't worry about me...once I digest the FHE ice cream, I'm going to go tomahawk chop The Chief.

Jake Buchanan said...

good luck with the tomahawk, tommyhawk

Tom said...

25. I'm slow. I was thinking I could get at least 6, possibly 7 in the first cycle, but only hit 5.

Jake Buchanan said...

very well done tommy, although i have to admit that i had visions of you hitting 6 or 7 on each round.

i did it his morning. a nice wake up call. it was a wod where after the first cycle, i wonder how i am going to finish.

i managed to get 5 rounds done per cycle for a total of 25. but just barely by the skin of my teeth and i have to say that it wasn't pretty. the squats right before the cleans didn't help. even though it was only nine, it was just enough to negate proper rest of the legs.

Jake Buchanan said...
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Tom said...

I'm glad someone else mentioned the leg issue. My legs felt empty after the squats and before the cleans. Strange combo.

Naylor said...

5 per round..did Hang power cleans instead of power cleans. that got heavy!

Jake Buchanan said...

naylor, that's fantastic given your back status! i thought you'd be out for a while yet. how is the back feeling?

Modern Forager