Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday - 09302008

5 rounds for max reps of:

Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

Post reps for all three exercises in all rounds.

"No one can possibly have lived through the Great Depression without being scarred by it. No amount of experience since the depression can convince someone who has lived through it that the world is safe economically."
- Isaac Asimov


Berb said...

Bench = 235: 7,7,7,7,7 = 35
Pull up: 7,5,6,5,4 = 27
Squat = 235: 4,4,5,4,4 = 21

total = 83

also, add 35 to my kb presses. i did more to equal out my 53 lb kb to the 70 lb kb.

Jake Buchanan said...

very strong on all of them, especially on the bench. good strength man!

Tom said...

I'll add mine tonight when I get home. I'll update the KB press standings when I get home as well and add the October Greaser.

Jake Buchanan said...

pullup: 17,14,9,10,8 = 58
bench: 10,8,5,4,4(175#) = 31
front squat: 25,25,25,25,25(w/2x30#kb) = 125
total of 214

pullup: 24,11,7,10,8 = 60
bench: 4,4,5,3,3(175#) =19
front squat: 40,20,25,12,12(w/2x18#kb)=109
total of 188

pullup: 24,10,10,10,15=69 total reps
bench: 5,3,3,2,2(225#)= 15 total reps
front squat: 25(30#kb's), 12(53#kb's), 12(53#kb's), 12(53#kb's), 5(1x70#kb & 1x62#kb) = 66 total reps
total of 150

pullup: 11,12,12,12,12(c2b) = 59
bench: 9,9,8,6,5(175#)= 37
front squat: 25(30#kb's),10(53#kb's), 10(53#kb's), 10(53#kb's), 25(30#kb's) = 80
total of 178

sub'd the front squat for 2 reasons. 1) no squat rack because the bench is being used, 2) wanted to practice squats with more depth. to get more depth i placed a 12" box that needed to be reached by the buttox in order for a rep to count. everybody did beautiful deep squats on the heels.

Jake Buchanan said...

hey berb,
i just realized that you smoked sam on the bench.

you did 35 reps at 235#,
sam did 15 reps at 225#

nice work man!

sam needs somebody to push him, the rest of us dudes here in janesville are lightweights.

Berb said...

donde esta el chunky monkey?

esta comienda mas cookies o dormiendo?

Jake Buchanan said...

el munkey esta comienda mas cookies.

Tom said...

Chunky Monkey was visiting Lake Winnipesaukee yesterday (Think about the lake in "What About Bob).

@ 200lbs
B: 8, 9, 9, 9, 8
P: 12, 8, 10, 10, 10
S: 11, 15, 20, 15, 15

Modern Forager