Thursday, September 25, 2008

Farmer Walks


Naylor said...

last night i did a 400m farmer walk w/ a 70lbs and 53lbs KB in 3 minutes flat! i was pretty stoked. i had my brother work out with me too. he did his frist farmer walk ever and he pulled off a 3:28!! that gave me some serious motivation. LOL

Jake Buchanan said...

dude, is that you? the picture looks like some old style kettlebeller. you look huge. you look more greek than african!

it makes me want to get out there and take a walk with the bells.

Naylor said...

yeah that's me...hope its not too cheesy...i'm black greek, kinda like black irish. LOL

just a crappy iphone picture that came out really cool.

Jake Buchanan said...

no, not cheesy at all. it looks totally awesome. i'm jealous! it really looks cool.

Modern Forager