Thursday, June 12, 2008

WOD Thursday 6-12-08

Nathan: 2-muscle ups, 4-handstand pushups, 8-70lb kettlebell swings. As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

-substitute 3 pullups and 3 dips per muscle up
-115lb military press for the handstand pushups


Tom said...

8 measly rounds.

The only sub I did was the pullups/dips. The muscle-ups probably took a lot longer than the military press would have...especially when I lost my balance and had to reset and restand.

Jake Buchanan said...

10 rounds

my sequence:
2 muscle ups,
4-115lb presses(they turned into push presses after the first couple of rounds instead of strict military presses),
8-70lb swings

Modern Forager