Thursday, June 5, 2008

Friday - 060608 - WOD #4 - BL #4

Here is the 4th WOD for this week...the week is almost over. I'm not sure how Berb and Homey are doing with these, but hope you knuckleheads are living. I'm appreciating the day off and letting my legs do some healing.

WOD (for time):
21-15-9 reps of 95lb Thrusters + Pull-ups


Homer said...

I am still here- I just keep forgetting to post my time- I am not doing so well at keeping track. I am going to try and do better. Thanks for making me accountable. I am going to do fran tonight- Jake- I expect you to use the full 95 lbs. on these thrusters. Even if it takes you 10 minutes longer to finish the wod. No modifying here brother.

Jake Buchanan said...

are you kidding? i was hoping to get away with 45lb thrusters. and then blow you away in the pullups.

tommy, i haven't seen your time yet, what happened?

Tom said...

I'm doing it at lunch Mr. Modification. I didn't feel like waking up early this morning. What, are you waiting to post your time until you see mine, so you can modify it to produce your automatic 2 or 3 minute victory? That's what Bruce Lee always did.

Nice picture Homer. You look like Chunk.

Jake Buchanan said...

i don't even have to try to beat you, modified or not. heck i'll even add weight and still beat you by 3 minutes. even on a bum ankle.

i'm too busy lookin' good to even worry about the time. the time takes care of itself.

and yes homer, that is one ugly flick. it actually looks like eric watson.

Jake Buchanan said...

am i the first to post? what's up with that? it's 2:00 pm... u all pansies or what?

6:43 as rx'd(that means no modifications)

i'm toasted but feelin' good.

Tom said...

Why is it that, of all the CrossFit WODs, I loathe Fran the most? I can't figure it out, but I sure don't look forward to Fran.

Jake Buchanan said...

what's there to dislike? you are good at pullups and great at thrusters, me no understand. or is it just the balls to the wall factor?

Tom said...

I hate the exuberance of someone who just pulled a 6:43.

Boo on you.

Tom said...

7:42 as Rx'd. Pull-ups are definitely a weak spot for me.

Homer said...

11:16 --- pull ups are my achilles heal!

Tom said...

Good to hear you're still alive, Homer. Now...if Berb would get back to posting...

I agree that pull-ups suck. Jake has that teeny frame that allows him to pump out pull-ups like their nothing, but not I.

Jake Buchanan said...

well done guys, the fran is always a beast, well done, i'm proud of you guys.

i'm gaining weight like crazy. 162 last night.

this has been a great first week!!!!!!!!!!

Berb said...

12:45 for the fran. pull ups are my beast too.

Modern Forager