Friday, June 6, 2008

Saturday - 060708 - WOD #5

Here is tomorrow's WOD...designed to be a little longer/harder because it's Saturday. Check out YouTube if you need any explanation of the specific workouts. Enjoy:

300 + 300

1) 30 Burpees
2) 30 KB swings (53lb)
3) 30 L-Sit pull-ups
4) 100 flutter kicks (count: every 4th kick = 1)
5) 30 jump squat (45lb bar)
6) 30 bench presses (135lb)
7) 30 Clean & Jerk (95lb) – Wimpy Grace
8) 30 knee-to-elbow
9) 100 flutter kicks (count: every 4th kick = 1)
10) 30 SDHP (95lbs)
11) 30 Tuck Jumps
12) 30 bench presses (135lb)
13) 100 flutter kicks (count: every 4th kick = 1)

The only rule: you have to complete one exercise before moving on to the next.

Tuck Jumps:
Flutter Kicks:
SDHP/Push Jerks:


Jake Buchanan said...

total time 52:28

1) 30 Burpees 2:10
2) 30 KB swings (53lb) 1:20
3) 30 L-Sit pull-ups 3:20
4) 100 flutter kicks (count: every 4th kick = 1) 5:42
5) 30 jump squat (45lb bar) 1:45
6) 30 bench presses (135lb) 4:25
7) 30 Clean & Jerk (95lb) – Wimpy Grace 5:46
8) 30 knee-to-elbow 4:47
9) 100 flutter kicks (count: every 4th kick = 1) 4:05
10) 30 SDHP (95lbs) 3:50
11) 30 Tuck Jumps 1:40
12) 30 bench presses (135lb) 7:10
13) 100 flutter kicks ( every 4th kick = 1) 3:30

Tom said...

47:24 as Rx'd.

I didn't keep track like Bruce, but this was brutally long. The Clean & Jerk nearly wiped me out...

Jake Buchanan said...

you beat me by 5 minutes and i thought i was cruising. we need to do some more frans, this wone was nuts. and we have to do it again in 5 weeks. it's more rugged than the filthy 50.

Modern Forager