Monday, June 9, 2008

Tuesday's wod 6-10-08

Tuesday: "betty" for time
30 ring dips
1 mile bike ride
75 squats
1 mile bike ride
75 pushups(elevated feet style)
1 mile bike ride
75 squats
1 mile bike ride
30 ring dips

substitute regular dips for ring dips if no rings available.


Tom said...

27:14 as Rx'd

30 ring dips
1 mile bike ride - 5:00
75 squats
1 mile bike ride - 6:43
75 pushups(elevated feet style)
1 mile bike ride - 5:57
75 squats
1 mile bike ride - 6:44
30 ring dips - 1:48

Where are the 15:00 WODs Jake? 32+ yesterday, 27+ today. Man, you're brutal.

Tom said...

Re: to clarify my times.

Total time was 5:00 after the 1st set of rings & 1 mile ride; took me 6:43 to do the next 75 squats and 1 mile ride; then 5:57 to do the 75 push-ups and 1 mile ride; etc.

Jake Buchanan said...

at least it was easier. good times are a comin'.

Berb said...

38:45 for my time. I substituted jumping ring dips for ring dips. it was kind of refreshing to do some cardio into the mix.

Berb said...

i liked that blerb about the 1" punch. give us more of that kind of stuff. it was interesting what was said about how we as a whole got lazy from the industrial revolution. how even kung fu is losing ground. how many people are losing ground, due to tv and computers. it inspires me to spend more time in training and learning.

Naylor said...

took last week off and i'm back now. how is everyone?

last night i did
5 rnds of
12 burpees
12 pullups
5 rnds of
6 rep Bear 95#
12 pullups

i had to stop on the burpees and modify the wod...

Jake Buchanan said...


30 ring dips
1 mile bike ride - 8:00
75 squats
1 mile bike ride - 6:10
75 pushups(elevated feet style)
1 mile bike ride - 5:45
75 squats
1 mile bike ride - 6:50
30 ring dips - :49

this was a fun one, light weight. although i stink on a bike

Tom said...

Is that a Naylor siting...I thought he was DOA.

Welcome back, now stick with the program.

What's a "Bear"?

Jake Buchanan said...

hey naylor, welcome back.

fyi. chuck is recording our times from the wod's we post here. he has a column with your name on it but it's blank. we are taking turns planning the weekly wod's. and your week is coming up in about 4 weeks. it would be fun to see where you're at compared to us. and we look forward to your twist on the wod's.

Naylor said...

shoot, yeah last week i was sick and my body wasn't having any of it. i'll have to figure out the bike portion, don't have one at the moment.

Naylor said...

oh and the bear is pretty sweet.

1 rep is a cycle of
front squat
push press
back squat
push press
then back to your hips, never letting go of the barbell through all 6 reps. does that make sense?

Tom said...

I can bike a mile in about 4 minutes, that would be the equivalent of at least 1/2 mile run, depending on how fast you are...although 1/2 mile run is more strenuous than a 1 mile bike ride.

What I'm saying is...I'm no help. Good luck.

Tom said...

I like the sound of the bear...a lot better than 400 KB snatches.

Now that Naylor is onboard, we need to figure out where Homer is. Homer is Mr. Inactive Cowbell.

Naylor said...


i did Nancy last night, i'm going to try and double up on WOD's to catch up with everyone. would you rather have me post my times on the current wod or the wod that i finish?

Tom said...

I say post them to their own WOD. I'll go back and check the posts and add your times to the spreadsheet.

Thanks for the update...

Homer said...

23:41 - I do not have rings so those were done the the dip bars. I used a staionary bike at about 200 watts. for 1 mile- which is about the equivalent of a road bike.

Jake Buchanan said...

how did if feel to do it in a gym where everybody was watching you jump from the bike to the squats and pushups?

Modern Forager