Monday, June 30, 2008

Come and Get Some

Tuesday WOD -

5 rounds for time:

105lbs sand bag carry 50 yards
drop bag do 50 pushups
sprint back 50 yds
uneven 50 yd farmer walk (70lbs kb 53lbs KB) (sub Dumbells if needeed)
50 squats

switch hands per round on the farmer walks

here's a video of one of the best rock groups out right now, the black keys


Tom said...

Quick question...on the farmers walk, how far/long do you go for it to count as a rep?

Naylor said...

50 yards

i usually put a cone out about 50 yards down my street, run with the bag to the cone, do the pu, run back grab the kb's and walk while trying not to cry back to the cone.

Jake Buchanan said...

looks fun ----

Naylor said...

i can't edit my WOD for some reason

Jake Buchanan said...

only chuck has that power, i believe.

Naylor said...

now i can edit...hmmm

Homer said...

enlighten me more on the farmer's walk?

Homer said...

Another thing can we sub a dead body for the sand bag?

Homer said...

never mind on the farmers walk - I got it... duh.

Naylor said...

just in case, pick up the kb's or db's and walk, simulating holding to buckets filled with milk,seed or whatever.

keep your arms at your side or if you prefer keep them at a 90 degree angle. if you're really bad A keep both of them over your head. but that would then be considered a double waiter walk. ; )

Naylor said...


this one is a butt kicker. i went out too fast and really struggled with the last two rounds!

this wod always gets the neighbors thinking i'm crazy, running down the street with a massive bag and weird looking kettle bells! LOL

Berb said...


my neighbors too were wondering what i was for a strongman competition. this definatly brought out my weaknesses...push ups and hand strength.

Naylor said...

good job man! yeah, this wod will start making real world strength gains. the sand bag takes some getting use to.

the initial jolt of walking with the heavy KB's always tends to take it out of me too.

Tom said...


Round 1: 3:29
Round 2: 5:16
Round 3: 5:09
Round 4: 6:22
Round 5: 5:38

Jake Buchanan said...


my arms are still quivering from the bear. my legs feel like jelly, i barely made it through the squats. do you realize the the 10x10 bear is essentially 200 thrusters and 100 power cleans? i used to think that the 45 thrusters on a fran was tough. it's nothing compared to the bear.

sam's time: DNF. he made it 3 rounds then hit a pushup tko. on the fourth round he couldn't do a single pushup anymore.

Tom said...

I forgot to mention, I had some lugnut neighbor of mine clapping at me during my squats. I felt like sprinting down the street and twisting his nipple until it bled or something.

It reminded me of elementary school when everyone made fun of the one person actually trying.

Modern Forager