Monday, June 23, 2008

Replacement WOD

Here's what I'm doing today to make up for the absent minded Homer:

25x Pull-up +
50x Deadlift @ 135# +
50x Push-up +
50x Box Jump @ 24” box +
50x Floor Wiper @ 135# (one-count) +
50x KB Clean and Press @ 36# (KB must touch floor between reps) +
25x Pull-up
300 total reps

For time.

Naylor, would you like to take over this week?


Berb said...

so tom, please tell me, (pretend that i am speaking in voice de nacho)i sense some anger in your words. are you upset with homer, or is there something deeper that you are not telling us. are you frustrated with the fact that you are so much bigger and stronger yet your elder brother keeps spanking you in your wod's. could it be that you are the master of the OHS yet can only do 4 pullups. Or could it be that some flowers aren't blooming for you?

Berb said...

what is a floor wiper?

Homer said...

BWHAHAHA. i am here. no worries. Hey has anyone ever had to do a 24 hour kidney stone pee surrveilance (SP?) test? It appears that my ability to produce such abnormally large stones (5mm) is not a good thing. And here I was thinking i am all man to push those buggers out like a candy dispensing machine. Did I tell you about the last one I gave birth to? Yeah, after I ran the toughest half marathon in the day- gave birth. And yes, i am currently going through some vigorous testing, and yes, I am currently passing another one. But NO EXCUSES!!!!
I sense your disapproval, and really, there are no excuses. I am trying, but need to contend harder. So I am going to turn over a new leaf. And will be more ontop of things.
So here it goes. mon: go ahead and do the WOD Tom chose - but I was saying 150 burpees. for time.
Tuesday I will post by 8 PM MST so be on the lookout brothers.
Rememebr , nobody gets left behind. And making fun of them is not a way to keep them motivated! GRRRR. PEAS OWT.

Tom said...

It is much, much deeper.

My inability to do push-ups, combined with my ability to do the OH squats, is annoying. What may be more annoying, is that I have nails sticking out of my wall so if I try and go balls out with the pull-ups, the nails will jump out and bite me.

I'm not sure what that flower quote is supposed to mean, but I think Bruce is fluffing his times. I'm big boned, Jake weighs 120 soaking wet, his pullups are easier because he pulls less weight and his sprints are faster because he's the flash.

Jake not only beats me in 90% of the WODs, but it's usually by 5+ minutes. That's OK, though, I'll still squash him like a bug the next time I see him.

Watch this video from the 1:30 minute mark onward. You will know who I am and who Jake is.

That being said, Homer, drink raw milk. It'll cure might even cure you're lack of posting disease. It'll even do away with the kidney stones. Actually, I've never had a stone and hope to never have one. Can Homer start claiming the he's both stoned in more ways than one now?

And, Homer, just because you actually posted I'll do your WOD instead.

Just make sure you're there tonight to post tomorrow's WOD ya big Kidney Stone.

Floor Wipers:

Jake Buchanan said...

berb, i love it. keep it up.

master of the ohs, but only 4 pullups,hahahahah!!!

geez homer, you had us all anxiously awaiting.......

Homer said...

no worries - better late than never. Raw milk? LOL - and I can get some where? I understand the non preservative stuff, and am willing to try anything at this point because of how crappy it has been. You should have seen the look on the doc's face when I brought my stone in for him to analyze! priceless. I should have taken a pic. Just don't give up on me... that is all I ask.

Berb said...

tom...view the clip from friday. it describes the blooming flowers.

Naylor said...

big potato = big stones

comes with the territory homer!

OK, so are you ladies doing 150burpees or tom's wod? it was 116 degrees over the past two days!

Tom said...


I didn't get it then, and I don't get it now. And, I ask you not to enlighten me on the might make me pass a big potato.

I'll do both WODs. How's that for potatos?

Naylor said...


can everyone build their own sandbag by next week? the only sub for a sandbag is a dead body, whatever is easier...

Tom said...

how heavy of a sandbag do we need for next week???

Naylor said...


Tom said...

Can you post the directions one more time? I know you did it somewhere on this here site, but I don't remember where...

The part about getting a canvas bag, a bunch of zip lock bags, some homer tape, flowers, etc...

Homer said...

22:32 -- timed

Jake Buchanan said...


do i have 2 guys who come over for the wod's, can i get away with one sandbag? or do i need to make a couple?

Naylor said...

you might need two bags then.

1. navy canvas bag
2. play ground sand (very fine)
3. 1 gallon zip loc bags
4. duct tape the crap out of it, not just the opening, they'll blowup!
5. line the canvas bag with a contractor grade trash bag.

Modern Forager