Thursday, June 19, 2008

Friday - 06202008

Here's Berb's 4th WOD:

-Run 800 meters
-50 back extensions
-50 sit ups
*3 rounds for time
*Substitutions for back extensions: good mornings, superman.


Tom said...


Subbed in good mornings (w/ 45lb bar) for the back extensions.

Round 1: 7:45
Round 2: 8:08
Round 3: 7:28

Jake Buchanan said...

way to go chuckie! round 3 being your best...

Naylor said...

i did 20 rounds of Cindy in 16 minutes last night at around 11pm...about all i had time for. the only thing remaining at my old house is my pullup bar.

next week i'm back on track! does everyone have a sand bag or have experience with sandbag training? i want to incorporate some wod's with a sandbag during my week.

Jake Buchanan said...

no sandbag in wisconsin man... i'll keep my eyes peeled.

Naylor said...

it's really easy. just pick up a canvas "Navy" bag at the local army/navy store (10-15 bucks). buy play sand at home depot (50lbs bags)and 1 gallon zip-loc bags.

each gallon bag, when filled weighs aprox. 10lbs...duct tape the crap out of it. drop in the gallon bags of sand in your canvas bag and you're ready to go!

one option is line the canvas bag with a contractor grade trash bag.

total of around 30 bucks and you have a serious piece of fitness equipment.

Jake Buchanan said...

done in total time of 16:04 as rx'd

rd 1 5:21
rd 2 5:39
rd 3 5:03

Tom said...

Bruce...are you trying to show us up?

Jake Buchanan said...


and it was fun

Modern Forager