Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wednesday - 03/11

Bench Press Ladder @ 75% of 1 rep max
1 per minute then add 1 for each additional minute until time runs out.

**If you don't make it to 10 minutes, you must do the ladder a 2nd time**


Tom said...

Ladder 1: 5 full rounds @ 200#

Will do 2nd ladder + double grace tonight. Got stuck babysitting at the chapel last night until 10pm...some RS social...all the other guys bailed so I and another guy were stuck with 8 kids until 10pm.

Berb said...

did a tabata this afternoon...7% at 7.5

plus c&j ladder
7 the 1st round at 115 (started a 135 but felt a pinched nerve after 4)
9 the 2nd round at 95 lbs.

my rear delts have felt sooo good since then.

Modern Forager