Friday, March 13, 2009

Saturday - 03/14

Deadlift Ladder @ 75% of 1 rep max
2 per minute, add 2 for each additional minute until time runs out
Push Press Ladder @ 75% of 1 rep max
1 per minute, add 1 for each additional minute until time runs out


Tom said...

Mixed it up a bit today...had a long end to the week and wasn't able to keep up what I wanted.

Then, today, we had TomTom's b-day party. I made him a monster truck birthday cake (donuts for tires, an oreo cookie road cake, a jeep shaped cake on top of that, etc etc), of which I ate a hardy share, and was ready to call it a week...until around 9pm and the suger intake started to take hold from the cake. I started to feel a little queasy, so I decided to up the ante for the WOD tonight.

Started with an 800m run (my first run in several, several months), untimed, but probably around 4:30 or so.

Then, the deadlift ladder:

DL @ 300# - 2 the 1st minute, 4 the 2nd minute, 6 the 3rd minute, etc.

Made it 3 minutes (for a total of 12 DL @ 300#).

Then...5 minute rest.

Then...3 rounds of the following:
5x150# Push Press
5x300# DL
Time: 8:19

Then...another 800m run, this time in 5:05...felt like I had lead feet.

Total WOD tonight:
2x800m runs
15x150# Push Press
30x300# DL

Many, many pull-ups and a couple of handfuls of l-sit pull-ups interspersed throughout the last couple of days.

Happy weekend.

Tom said...

PS...Jake is on tap for next week and beyond. A photo and/or a quote is required with each post for each day.

Berb said...

jake and i had a long leasurely trail run here in WI. we ran a section of trail from our 50 miler from last year and slipped and slidded around on the muddy trails for just over 2 hours. we're guessing that it was about 10 miles. jake counted 2 blisters and lots of mud.

Modern Forager