Wednesday, March 25, 2009


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes
5x125# Fatbar Deadlifts
5xknees to elbows

Post rounds completed to comments

Easy one today, try to double up on a missed wod.


Jake Buchanan said...

Jake: 17 rounds
Ryan: 14 rounds - 95# deadlift, 65# push press.

Ryan did knees to elbows on the first 2 rounds than due to funky pressure on his back he switched to the push press.

I have realized that knees to elbows really stink in round based wods. They take too much time, they're too much of a concentration based movement. In my opine they're similar to turkish getups. The more time you take on the movement, the better they are for you.

Jake Buchanan said...


Jake Buchanan said...

Squat clean:

Tom said...

For a man with 5 kids, a full-time job and a full-time calling, I can't for the life of me figure out how you have so much time to squeeze in 3 WODS EVERY FREAKING DAY!!! UN-FREAKING BELIEVABLE!!!

15 rounds for me.

Tom said...

Seriously, it's not like it's 3 WODS once a week or so, but it's literally 3 WODS every freaking day.

Jake Buchanan said...

Thank you. You forget that they're only like 5 minute wods. The deadlift wod took me less than 5 minutes.

When I was walking in through the garage after work yesterday I decided to do some squat cleans, that only took 5 minutes. One rep wods are pieces of cake.

Tom said...

That's a lame excuse. It takes a LOT more than 5 minutes to just change the weights amigo juan. Don't give me weak excuses. I'm tired of them. You've been softened up by your congregation, that's what.

Jake Buchanan said...

10 minutes for the early morning amrap
10 minutes for the deadlift-I'm giving you some there, I really didn't spend much time on that.
10 minutes on the squat cleans.

30 minutes max, probably closer to the 20 minute mark.

I know one thing. Last fall when I was chopping wood like crazy preparing for winter, that was way harder than doing 3 small wods.

An hour of chopping wood is rugged.

Tom said...

You're full of monkey doo. That's all I'm saying. Full of it. Your math skills assume NO warm-up, rest time in between, no down time no nothing, just a smooth continuous flow. You may be smooth, but no one is that smooth.

Whatever you say, Mr. Barry Manilow.

Jake Buchanan said...

I love Barry Manilow.

PS. I don't warm up, I'm not even worried about warming up, I'm too busy lookin' good.

Modern Forager