Sunday, March 8, 2009

Monday - 03/09

2 rounds:
On the minute pull up ladder
run 400 meters

On a continuously running clock do 1 pull up on the first minute, 2 on the second minute, 3 on the third, etc. When you are unable to complete all pull ups in the minute, run 400 meters and begin again at the bottom (1 pull up on the first minute, two on the second, etc.). Complete this ladder and 400 meter run three times.


Tom said...

Round 1: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+9 = 54
Round 2: DNF (got stuck watching Gerald Lund on TV)

Jake Buchanan said...

Gerald Lund is so good that nobody knows who he is.

Berb said...

i did a tabata today, 7% at 7.5.

then did the DL wod from last week.
5x185, 235, 285.
2x375(attempted x2, but couldn't get it up far enough.

Jake Buchanan said...

Well done Mighty Berb!

Tom said...

Berb, you would have been able to get the 375# up if you'd stop those 2.5 hour running marathons.

Modern Forager