Monday, December 1, 2008

OHS on Tuesday

100 x OHS @ .45 bodyweight


Tom said...

If I can hold the bar in my left hand, I'll attempt...though 100 may very well blow my knee out. I still can't touch my pinky with my thumb...

Jake Buchanan said...

13:22 @ 75#

I'm such a loser on OHS. It took me 3 minutes to do my first 3 reps. I need to do more of these. I was in a hurry and didn't think I had time to warm up. I really thought I could do this in 5-6 minutes.

Reps as follows:

Berb said...

the elders and i did Mondays and Tuesdays wod's combined; as follows, 21-15-9 of 115 push press and k2e's, combined with OH squats of 65 lbs at 7-5-3.

so the first round was 21 of push press and k2e's and 7 ohs...and so on.

Brett: 12:05
Elder Ferris: 12:37
Elder Salls: 16:28

the push press's combined with the oh squats was brutal.

Modern Forager